Work History
Kevin Mannie

Kevin Mannie

Galveston,United States


Proactive and goal-oriented environmental professional with comprehensive background in sustainable natural resources management and regulatory compliance. Proven ability to lead teams and implement effective environmental strategies. Known for adaptable project management, problem solving, and strong collaborative skills, ensuring consistent results in dynamic settings.


years of professional experience


Work History

Regulatory Project Manager

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Galveston District
09.2024 - Current
  • This is a federal job.
  • Collaborated closely with stakeholders across various branches to develop effective strategies for addressing new or changing regulations.
  • Served as regulatory project manager within the Galveston District Regulatory Division Policy Analysis Branch reviewing and verifying wetland delineations utilizing the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual and relevant regional supplement (Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain and Great Plains) to document environmental baseline conditions; conducted compliance inspections of Department of the Army (DA) permit authorizations to ensure work has been conducted per approved plans and special conditions; investigated allegations of
    unauthorized activities within waters of the United States (WOUS) and navigable WOUS;
    recommended appropriate non-compliance and enforcement resolution ( e.g. site restoration to pre-disturbance condition and contours, after-the-fact permit issuance or denial, permit modification, etc.) based on information acquired
    through the decision process and administrative record; coordinated permit application plans with other Galveston District business lines; managed project review schedules; provided information to
    customers, other Galveston District business lines, and senior leadership on high visibility projects; assisted in the development of procedures to implement directives from higher management; participated in initiatives directed toward effective, efficient, and consistent application of the regulatory program; coordinated with other subject matter experts within or outside the Galveston District to ensure timely and quality products which meet the regulatory program objectives; facilitate difference resolution (administrative and technical) among views and positions of other Federal and state agencies and private Interests for finalizing certain regulatory actions.
  • Streamlined regulatory processes by implementing project management best practices, enhancing efficiency and reducing project review times.

Senior Regulatory Project Manager

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Galveston District
09.2021 - 09.2024
  • Company Overview: This is a federal job
  • Serving as the Regulatory disaster preparedness, response, and recovery subject matter expert to facilitate the management of the Division disaster related permit workload including FEMA pre-application consultation, evaluation of applications, wetland delineation and/or verification, and jurisdictional determinations; conduct and manage the evaluation of complex, controversial, and environmentally sensitive applications; review permit applications activities or work in jurisdictional waters of the United States; serve as the District representative on groups and task forces with missions of interest to the District and/or the regulatory program; evaluate all levels and types of Department of the Army permit application and jurisdictional determinations; serve as the Regulatory representative at national and regional FEMA training seminars and workshops and at national and regional public meetings on Corps jurisdiction, evaluation processes, wetland delineation and/or verification, or related subjects.

Regulatory Project Manager

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Galveston District
05.2021 - 09.2021
  • Company Overview: This is a federal job
  • Served as regulatory project manager within the Galveston District Regulatory Division Compliance Branch reviewing and verifying wetland delineations utilizing the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual and relevant regional supplement (Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain and Great Plains) to document environmental baseline conditions; conducted compliance inspections of Department of the Army (DA) permit authorizations to ensure work has been conducted per approved plans and special conditions; investigated allegations of unauthorized activities within waters of the United States (WOUS) and navigable WOUS; recommended appropriate non-compliance and enforcement resolution (e.g site restoration to pre-disturbance condition and contours, after-the-fact permit issuance or denial, permit modification, etc.) based on information acquired through the decision process and administrative record; coordinated permit application plans with other Galveston District business lines; managed project review schedules; provided information to customers, other Galveston District business lines, and senior leadership on high visibility projects; assisted in the development of procedures to implement directives from higher management; participated in initiatives directed toward effective, efficient, and consistent application of the regulatory program; coordinated with other subject matter specialists within or outside the Galveston District to ensure timely and quality products which meet the overall objectives of the regulatory program; facilitate difference resolution (administrative and technical) among views and positions of other Federal and state agencies and private Interests for finalizing certain regulatory actions.

Acting Compliance Branch Team Leader

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Galveston District
01.2021 - 05.2021
  • Company Overview: This is a federal job
  • Served as a technical expert and a team leader/senior project manager and Compliance Branch subject matter expert providing the following: Served as the Galveston District compliance/enforcement and wetland identification subject matter expert (SME); Clean Water Act Section 404 and Rivers and Harbors Act Section 10 waters and navigable waters of the U.S expertise associated with the scientific and legal identification of jurisdictional waters for the Galveston District; evaluated all levels and types of Department of the Army (DA) enforcement and compliance cases (including those complex and/or controversial in nature) for activities in waters and/or navigable waters of the U.S. subject to Section 404, Section 10, and the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act; assigned new work to branch staff and reviewed draft documents to ensure final products are completed in a technically sound, timely, and professional manner.

Regulatory Project Manager

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Galveston District
12.2017 - 01.2021
  • Company Overview: This is a federal job
  • Served as regulatory project manager within the Galveston District Regulatory Division Compliance Branch reviewing and verifying wetland delineations utilizing the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual and relevant regional supplement (Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain and Great Plains) to document environmental baseline conditions; conducted compliance inspections of Department of the Army (DA) permit authorizations to ensure work has been conducted per approved plans and special conditions; investigated allegations of unauthorized activities within waters of the United States (WOUS) and navigable WOUS; recommended appropriate non-compliance and enforcement resolution (e.g
  • Site restoration to pre-disturbance condition and contours, after-the-fact permit issuance or denial, permit modification, etc.) based on information acquired through the decision process and administrative record; served for 11 months between February and December 2017 within the Galveston District Regulatory Division Evaluation Branch reviewing permit applications for activities in WOUS and navigable WOUS within the regulatory authority of the Clean Water Act, the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899, and the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act to maintain the physical, biological and chemical integrity of the nation's water resources and that regulated activities in these waters are in the best interest of the public, considering environmental, social, and economic concerns; assist with the development of general permits (GPs), including Nationwide Permits (NWP); coordinate permit application plans with other Galveston District business lines; manage project review schedules; provide information to customers, other Galveston District business lines, and senior leadership on high visibility projects; assist in the development of procedures to implement directives from higher management; served as a member of the Galveston District Emergency Operations Center (EOC) during Hurricane Harvey; participated in initiatives directed toward effective, efficient, and consistent application of the regulatory program; coordinate with subject matter specialists within or outside the Galveston District to ensure timely and quality products which meet the overall objectives of the regulatory program; facilitate difference resolution (administrative and technical) among views and positions of other Federal and state agencies and private Interests for finalizing certain regulatory actions
  • This is a federal job

Regulatory Specialist

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Galveston District
12.2014 - 12.2017
  • Company Overview: This is a federal job
  • Served as regulatory specialist evaluating requests for jurisdictional determinations (JDs) I wetland delineation verification and conducting compliance inspections for activities in waters of the United States and/or navigable waters of the United States within the regulatory authority of the Clean Water Act, the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899, and the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act to maintain the physical, biological and chemical integrity of the nation's water resources; served as the main point of contact for Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD) and Harris County Engineering Department (HCED) JDs and verifications under agreement made according to Section 214 of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2000; coordinated with subject matter specialists within or outside the District to ensure timely and quality products met the overall objectives of the regulatory program; facilitated difference resolution (administrative and technical) among views and positions of other Federal and state agencies and private Interests for finalizing certain regulatory actions.

Lead Environmental Protection Specialist

Federal Emergency Management Agency
06.2011 - 12.2014
  • Company Overview: This is a federal job
  • Directed, managed, coordinated, monitored, evaluated, and implemented agency compliance with applicable federal environmental laws [e.g., the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the Endangered Species Act (ESA), National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), Clean Air Act (CAA), Clean Water Act (CWA), Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), Executive Orders 11988, 11990, and 12898] and others as they relate to FEMA's disaster programs in coastal Louisiana, and throughout the nation; recommended and developed guidance and policy procedures for environmental assessment; conducted grant application analyses to evaluate environmental issues integrating current best available methods, legal requirements, and FEMA policies; ensured Environmental Assessments (EA's), and other environmental documents conform to regulatory and policy requirements; provided guidance to, and represented the agency with various local, state, and federal agencies at meetings, consultations, and planning efforts; planned, managed, and provided leadership in directing work of multiple Environmental Protection Specialists and Floodplain Management Specialists with varying backgrounds and experience; assisted with Section budget development and administration; served as Environmental lead for ESA/CBRA/EFH consultations with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS).

Senior Biologist

Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development
07.2009 - 06.2011
  • Served as a senior biologist on wetland and T&E (Threatened and Endangered) species issues to agency staff and the public in the evaluation of environmental impacts from transportation projects; planned, coordinated, implemented, and monitored compliance with National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Endangered Species Act (ESA) Section 7, Marine Mammal Protection Act, Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 404, Rivers and Harbors Act (RHA) Section 10, Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (FWCA), National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) Section 106, Surface Transportation Assistance Act (STAA), Executive Order 11988 flood plain management, Executive Order 11990 wetland protection, and Executive Order 12898 environmental justice; conducted wetland and T&E species surveys in terrestrial and marine habitats; coordinated consultations with the U.S
  • Fish and Wildlife Service and National Marine Fisheries Service regarding terrestrial and marine protected species; worked with a multidisciplinary team of scientists to complete NEPA required environmental documentation - Programmatic Categorical Exclusions, Categorical Exclusions, Environmental Assessments, and Environmental Impact Statements; provided training and guidance to staff biologists on wetland and T&E surveys; coordinated, assigned, and monitored natural resource evaluations; developed and maintained liaisons with local, state, and federal agencies, as well as interested members of the public, to communicate and coordinate natural resources issues; developed guidelines for staff scientists to conduct environmental analyses and documentation; assisted as needed with cultural resources evaluation and coordination

Environmental Resources Specialist

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District
01.2008 - 07.2009
  • Company Overview: This is a federal job
  • Planned, coordinated, and implemented the Rivers and Harbors Act Section 10 and Clean Water Act Section 404 review of applications for permits to perform work in waters of the U.S., including wetlands; coordinated reviews with the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources for compliance with the Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA); monitored compliance, and reviewed enforcement cases for activities in navigable waters of the United States; determined the extent of Federal jurisdiction, assessing environmental impacts and project alternatives, analyzing mitigation plans and recommending decisions; evaluated all levels and types of Department of the Army (DA) permit application, compliance, and/or enforcement cases for activities in navigable waters of the United States; evaluated complex and environmentally sensitive applications and permits for activities or work in waters of the US (projects including port facilities, highways, bridges, marinas, oil and gas exploration, and other commercial, industrial, and residential development projects; analyzed complex impacts on fish and wildlife, natural resource conservation, pollution control, flood control, aesthetics, ecology, and the general public interest associated with the structures, materials, and work activities.

Agriculture Specialist

U.S. Customs and Border Protection
01.2005 - 01.2008
  • Company Overview: This is a federal job
  • Participated as a member of a manifest targeting and analysis team to collect and analyze advanced information, and identify potential high-risk targets (people, merchandise, or conveyance) based on anomalies, emerging threats, links analysis and/or other agency input; determined the admissibility of agricultural / commercial commodities and conveyances at the Houston port of entry to prevent the introduction of harmful pests and diseases (i.e Asian Gypsy Moth, Asian Longhorn Beetle, Foot and Mouth Disease, Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, Classic Swine Fever, etc.); boarded and inspected marine vessels coming from foreign ports to verify compliance with laws and regulations pertaining to foreign pests and diseases (Plant Protection Act, Federal Seed Act, Animal Health Protection Act, Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species, the Lacey Act); examined passenger baggage via x-ray and visual inspection to identify prohibited agricultural/commercial items; visually and physically examined shipping containers and contents to ensure compliance with applicable statues and regulations; examined items / products of agricultural / wildlife interest to determine if being shipped in accordance with Federal and State agriculture and wildlife laws; examined import documents, domestic transportation documents, including airway bills and ocean bills of lading and dock receipts, delivery instructions, special Customs and commercial invoices, certificates of origin, foreign export permits, and other Federal forms; seized items identified as prohibited by regulation; coordinate with USDA departments as appropriate (APHIS PPQ, VS, etc.); prepared reports; responded to information requests by the Port Authority, importers, brokers, and consignees.


Bachelor of Science - Biology/Environmental Management

South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD
  • Member of Beta Beta Beta Biological Honor Society.
  • Dean's List.

Master of Science - Environmental Science - Aquatic Ecology

Indiana University, Bloomington, Bloomington, IN


  • Environmental regulatory analysis/development/compliance
  • Regulatory strategic development and decision making
  • Project planning and execution
  • Sustainable natural resources planning and management
  • Wetland management
  • Wildlife conservation
  • Internal and external agency consultation/coordination
  • Comprehensive mission planning
  • Technical communications management
  • Teamwork and collaboration
  • Public relations and customer service
  • Team and relationship building


  • Coordinated a project development team (PDT) for the 2023 Regulatory Outreach event with >150 participants.
  • Coordinated interdisciplinary project review teams for regulatory compliance.
  • Lead teams of 5-10 staff members conducting regulatory reviews.


  • Certified Floodplain Manager (Texas Floodplain Management Association).
  • Professional Wetland Scientist.


  • Community Volunteering
  • Environmental Stewardship
  • Environmental Conservation Projects
  • Auto Repair/Restoration
  • DIY and Home Improvement
  • Outdoor recreational activities


Regulatory Project Manager - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Galveston District
09.2024 - Current
Senior Regulatory Project Manager - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Galveston District
09.2021 - 09.2024
Regulatory Project Manager - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Galveston District
05.2021 - 09.2021
Acting Compliance Branch Team Leader - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Galveston District
01.2021 - 05.2021
Regulatory Project Manager - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Galveston District
12.2017 - 01.2021
Regulatory Specialist - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Galveston District
12.2014 - 12.2017
Lead Environmental Protection Specialist - Federal Emergency Management Agency
06.2011 - 12.2014
Senior Biologist - Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development
07.2009 - 06.2011
Environmental Resources Specialist - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District
01.2008 - 07.2009
Agriculture Specialist - U.S. Customs and Border Protection
01.2005 - 01.2008
  • Certified Floodplain Manager (Texas Floodplain Management Association).
  • Professional Wetland Scientist.
South Dakota State University - Bachelor of Science, Biology/Environmental Management
Indiana University, Bloomington - Master of Science, Environmental Science - Aquatic Ecology
Kevin Mannie