Quality driven Volunteer Coordinator with over 15 years of experience in the areas of volunteer engagement, project management, and communication.
GROUP LEAD & MODERATOR/ Billy Graham Rapid Response Team - Monthly Widow Zoom calls
CHAPLAIN/ Billy Graham Rapid Response Team
2020 to 2023
Crisis-trained to meet the critical need for emotional and spiritual care following disasters.
GROUP LEADER/ GriefShare at LifePointe Church
2020 to 2021
Lead and facilitated a 13-week Christ centered grief recovery support group to provide help and healing for those experiencing the loss of a loved one.
DOORKEEPER/ The Billy Graham Library
2017 to 2022
Active in ministering to guests and loving on all those who enter the premises.
Springs Creative Products Group, LLC
November 2015
"In recognition for outstanding performance and dedication. Kristine has channeled her passion for the Quilts of Valor Foundation to bring positive recognition to our company and to strengthen ties with our community. She has demonstrated an ability to lead...and challenge herself [in] taking on the task of learning sewing and for addressing an aversion to public speaking head on. "