Compassionate Human Services Worker known for productive and efficient task completion. Specialized in case management, crisis intervention, and community outreach. Excels in communication, empathy, and problem-solving to support and empower individuals in need. Strives to make meaningful impact through compassionate service and professional integrity.
Volunteer, Mama’s Closet Canyon Chapel Church, Williams, AZ, 12/23, Present, Worked with a diverse population of people to meet their needs regarding food, clothing, and diapers for their children., Created an inventory system to track resources available at Mama’s Closet, Created a resource flyer to direct clients to further resources in the area., Participated in Christian-based client counseling., Organized community outreach projects to raise awareness of current resources.
Spokes Woman, Williams City Council, Williams, AZ, 02/24, Present, Selected by the Canyon Chapel Church to be the spokeswoman for Mama’s Closet at the Williams City Council., Spoke at multiple city council meetings about Mama’s Closet, Gained the support of city council members for events and donations
Organized a commuity event for Native American foster Children in 2019 to create awareness of resources and provide donated resources.