Essential productivity specialist in warehouse and certification management. Proven history of achievement in outstanding work ethic, commitment, and loyalty. Strong record of effective leadership, collaborative teamwork, and articulate communication. Highly adept in staff training, warehouse administrative functions, secretarial functions, data entry, guidelines adherence, program management, physical demands.
Performed tasks aligned with USDA regulations, supervised tasks among team members, managed certifications with team, interacted with third party vendors and companies, excelled in customer service care with participants, established communication importance, attended quarterly/weekly meetings, documented items received and/or damaged, maintained clean/safe environment within facility, performed inventory duties and yearly audit preparation, reported errors within food items shipped, collaborated with reception coverage.
Assisted in survey development related to tribal demographic data, advertised office social media, documented on-site incidents, attended tribal events, performed hospitality duties related to events, developed strategic plan goals, organized files, founded resources amongst other tribe services, interviewed Kiowa citizens.
Engaged with participants from diverse backgrounds, collaborated with Department of Human Services, Traveled to different work sites as needed, organized and uploaded files to system, prepared files for audit review, developed training manuals for certification and warehouse procedures, enforced USDA guidelines, reported discrepancies related to participant, assisted participants with loading and unloading food items, stocked store daily, performed warehouse duties, assisted with monthly inventory.
Handling fresh and shelf stable food items, maintained clealiness of site, administered food items to households, collaborated inventory work with team, organized and discarded confidential files, attended quarterly meetings, traveled to deliver food items to participant, carried out reception duties.
Administered medications to patients, provided public transportation for patients, monitored patients work performance in community, assisted patients at home with tasks, recorded medication intake daily, assisted patients during feeding, assisted patients with hygienic needs, assisted patient within community (work/wellness), monitored patients during meal preparation, taught patients the importance of time management, implemented safety protocols while administering medications through medical equipment.
Forklift Certification, Chickasaw Nation Department of Health, 2/2/24-2/2/27
Forklift Certification, Chickasaw Nation Department of Health, 2/2/24-2/2/27