Work History

Larissa Babbie



years of professional experience

Work History

AVP, Student Financial Services and Bursar

Maria College
04.2019 - Current
  • Manages all aspects of Student Financial Accounts, including these responsibilities: determining student payment plan details; providing guidance regarding student invoices; setting and implementing student payment policies; supervising financial operation including fiscal controls, and managing the collections process as required.
  • Ensures staff are providing a student‐centered and customer-centered experience for those who engage with Student Financial Services. Conducts regular review and analyses of student receivables accounts.
  • Works closely and collaboratively with the Dean of the College, Financial Aid, Student Support, and Registrar's Offices on student success and retention.
  • Develop annual financially responsible budget and maintain spending within that budget. Maintain current knowledge of trends in student financial aid and student accounts.
  • Responsible for giving financial reports, analysis, insights, and recommendations to senior leadership, the College's President, and the Board of Trustees.
  • Ensures guidance to rules and compliance regulations set forth by the Department of Education.
  • Manages the business operations for the Student Financial Services Office.

Director, VA Education Benefits/Financial Aid

Excelsior University
05.2017 - 03.2019
  • Oversight of all operations with regard to Title IV Financial Aid and Veteran's Educational benefits
  • Ensures guidance to rules and regulations set forth by the Department of Education and the Department of Veterans Affairs
  • Coordinates and assists in the certification of Veterans Educational benefits for the college including counseling and preparing the VA claims for certification
  • Staff supervision
  • Oversees annual compliance survey for Veterans Education benefits
  • Assists with annual Federal Financial Aid audit (A-133)
  • Attendance to the annual NAVPA conferences
  • Provides initial information resource for all incoming students, transfers, and re-entering students with regard to VA benefits and continue to offer support up to and through graduation.

Assistant Director, Financial Aid and Veterans Assistance/VA Certifying Official

Excelsior University
10.2012 - 05.2017
  • Assists in the operation of the Veterans Educational benefits, ensuring that awards meet the requirements and guidelines set forth by the Veterans Administration
  • Coordinates and assists in the certification of Veterans Educational benefits for the college including counseling and preparing the VA claims for certification
  • Ensures compliance with all Federal Title IV regulations when these VA benefits are awarded in conjunction with Federal Student Aid
  • Assists the Director of Veteran Affairs (VA) Educational Benefits in developing and maintaining policies and procedures for the administration of VA benefits at Excelsior College Provides initial information resource for all incoming students, transfers, and reentering students with regard to VA benefits and continue to offer support up to and through graduation
  • Attendance to the annual NAVPA conferences.

Bursar Specialist/3rd Party Billing Representative

Excelsior University
02.2011 - 10.2012
  • Answer student phone calls in regards to their fiscal accounts
  • Monitor past due accounts
  • Works closely with the Department of Veterans Affairs so that students can use military benefits to pursue a college degree
  • Process student enrollments, course registrations, and exam registrations
  • Communicates directly with the Bursar and Assistant Bursar to maintain and develop ways to make the 3rd party billing run smoothly and efficiently.


Bachelor of Arts - Psychology

University At Albany, SUNY
Albany, NY

Bachelor of Arts - Communications

University At Albany, SUNY
Albany, NY


Personnel Management

Regulatory Compliance

Operations Management

Strategic Planning

Policy and Procedure Implementation

Financial Reporting

Data Analysis

Accounts Receivable


Financial Analysis

Budget Management

Business Planning


AVP, Student Financial Services and Bursar

Maria College
04.2019 - Current

Director, VA Education Benefits/Financial Aid

Excelsior University
05.2017 - 03.2019

Assistant Director, Financial Aid and Veterans Assistance/VA Certifying Official

Excelsior University
10.2012 - 05.2017

Bursar Specialist/3rd Party Billing Representative

Excelsior University
02.2011 - 10.2012

Bachelor of Arts - Psychology

University At Albany, SUNY

Bachelor of Arts - Communications

University At Albany, SUNY
Larissa Babbie