Caring and compassionate Licensed Practical Nurse well-versed in anatomy and physiology, nursing fundamentals and medical terminology. Responds to emergencies with grace and calm mentality. Demonstrated success in delivering superior care to multiple patients, balanced with high-volume task load.
Dr. Jennifer Rowe-Preyer PhD, Student Retention Specialist at ASUMH and my mentor. 870) 588-2379
Denise Malloy RN, Maternity/Pediatrics Instructor at ASUMH and my favorite teacher. 870) 321-4163
Lisa Sasser-Brady, Occupational Therapist and my best friend. 918) 231-9030
Sharon Wolford, Retired, a former employer at private care (caregiving) and friend. 870) 656-7616
Michael Gervais, Retired Los Angeles Homicide Detective of 30 years, former employer/friend. (Pls call only after 5:30 p.m.) 213) 798-7168