I have been lucky to have had a variety of both work experiences and volunteering experiences. These experiences have helped me better cultivate my strengths as well as helping me to improve upon my weaknesses. I see myself as a good bridge builder and someone who is not afraid of conflict and can address it with both tact and empathy. Through my experiences in both volunteering and working I have learned how to create meaningful connections with a wide variety of people and have developed strong interpersonal skills. I have a detail oriented eye and am very design and aesthetically oriented. I am a hard worker and have no problem staying organized and meeting deadlines. I am very group oriented and will think of what needs to be done for the success of the organization I am apart of and the wellbeing of my colleagues before I consider my personal needs. I have always thrived off of being dedicated to something larger than myself whether in the context of competitive team sports, work, or volunteering.