As a product of Cherokee County Schools, I was fortunate to return to Cherokee County after teaching in Anderson District 4 and Spartanburg District 2. I've worked in Cherokee County for 17 years and spent 12 years as a school counselor. I've attending meetings, training and conferences with elementary and secondary counselors during each school year. I also completed a secondary practicum for the school counseling degree at the high school level.
2012 - present School Counselor
Counseling - individual, small and whole group
STC Coordinator
MTSS Coordinator
504 Coordinator
Awards Recognition
Mental Health referrals/consultation
Donations coordinator - Happy Feet, Backpack Buddies, etc.
Student Council Sponsor
Support/Collaboration with teachers
Teacher PD
Reading Assessments/Curriculum
Writing Curriculum
Mental Health First Aid
Threat Risk Assessment - BTAM and TRA
CPI Trained
ACES Training
SEL Foundational Training
Surveys - Panorama and Climate
Homebound - medical and home-based training