Work History
Leadership Training
Volunteer Work
Honors and Awards

Londa Dewayne McCarver



Enthusiastic police leader who is eager to contribute to team success through hard work, attention to detail and excellent people skills. Clear understanding of the Huntsville Police Department's policies, procedures and culture. Motivated to learn, grow and excel as a Deputy Chief.


years of professional experience

Work History

Police Captain

Huntsville Police Department
06.2020 - Current
  • Command the Criminal Investigation Division of the Huntsville Police Department to include two (2) lieutenants, eight (8) sergeants, sixty-one (61) investigators, and three (3) civilians.
  • Investigative units include the Narcotics Division, Anti-Crime Team, Major Crimes, Special Victims Unit, Financial Crimes, General Crimes, Property Crimes, and Crime Scene Unit.
  • The Criminal Investigations Unit also oversees the North Alabama Drug Task Force and the North Alabama Violent Crimes Task Force.
  • Assigned and supervised subordinates to prevent crime, protect life and property and enforce laws.

Police Captain- Director

Huntsville Police Department
11.2016 - 06.2020
  • Command the Training Division of Huntsville Police Department.
  • Responsibilities include ensuring that police basic and lateral academies are administered in accordance with the Alabama Peace Officers Standards and Training Commission guidelines, ensuring that all continuing education requirements are met for all four hundred and twenty-one (421) sworn officers in the Huntsville Police Department have been met, approving training plans and curriculums, implementing new training strategies, ensuring that training records are maintained, teaching in-service courses for Continuing Education Credits with the Alabama Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission, and developing and overseeing training projects to include new facilities.
  • Implemented a very robust and progressive recruiting program (, Implicit Bias and Decision Making, and the VIRTA 300 simulator.
  • Project Director for a joint FBI/Huntsville Police Department Firing Range.
  • Project Director for a new Police/Fire Training Academy.

Police Captain

South Precinct Commander Huntsville Police Department
08.2015 - 11.2016
  • Command the operations of a police precinct which included sixty-six (66) police officers, seven (7) sergeants, three (3) lieutenants, eight (8) investigators, two (2) community resource officers, and two (2) civilian secretaries.
  • This position works closely with members of the Huntsville City Council as well as other community leaders to address a range of quality of life issues to include criminal activity, event planning and coordination, and community education events.
  • Responsibilities also include the effective deployment of police resources within this seventy-seven (77) square mile district which services eighty-three thousand residents (83,000).

Police Lieutenant-Mobile Field Force/Incident Response Team Commander

Huntsville Police Department
Huntsville, AL
10.2013 - 08.2015
  • Command a platoon of six (6) sergeants and forty (40) officers whose primary objective is to be prepared for incidents of large-scale civil disorder.
  • Responsibilities include, but are not limited to: ensuring that training is conducted and documented in consistence with all HPD Directives; determine the logistics and tactics for the IRT when activated in response to civil disorder or unrest; determine when chemical agents are to be utilized during deployment for civil disorder or unrest; keep the command post advised of all pertinent data from the field during civil disorder or unrest activations; determine deployment logistics during natural disaster search and rescue deployments; ensures that the IRT is properly equipped and prepared for deployment; keep the Special Operations Commander aware of any needs and/or deficiencies which would hinder the IRT's ability to deploy.
  • The Unit was transitioned from the Mobile Field Force to the Incident Response Team while under my command.

Police Lieutenant

Huntsville Police Department
Huntsville, AL
07.2013 - 08.2015
  • Supervise two (2) sergeants and twenty-one (21) police officers in the Uniform Patrol Division.
  • Responsibilities include writing and implementing operational plans to address all police related issues in the West Precinct area of responsibility through resource management and assignment, handling and approving personnel issues, and developing continuing education training for the officers on 1st shift as they relate to their day to day jobs.

Police Sergeant

Madison-Morgan HIDTA Task Force Commander
Huntsville, AL
10.2008 - 07.2013
  • Duties included writing and administering two (2) Federal Grants (Byrne-Jag and HIDTA) with budgets which totaled approximately one million ($1,000,000) dollars per year.
  • Daily supervision of twenty-one (21) personnel to include eighteen (18) sworn Agents representing seven (7) different law enforcement agencies and three (3) support personnel.
  • Duties also consisted of approval and supervision of drug enforcement operations to include Federal wire taps and other operations which routinely employed multiple Agency coordination.
  • This position required a “Top Secret” security clearance with the FBI.

Police Sergeant

Huntsville Police Department
Huntsville, AL
11.2006 - 10.2008
  • Duties included supervising a fifteen (15) Officer squad, completing performance evaluations, investigating allegations of police misconduct, recommending disciplinary action, and using community policing techniques to solve crime problems in my assigned district.

Police Sergeant-Honor Guard Commander

Huntsville Police Department
Huntsville, AL
11.2006 - 10.2008
  • Duties included supervising a twenty (20) member specialized unit which conducts details to honor fallen comrades and presents the National Colors for local events.

Police Sergeant-Mobile Field Force Supervisor

Huntsville Police Department
Huntsville, AL
11.2006 - 10.2008
  • Duties included supervising an eight (8) member squad which functions as part of a platoon of Officers who respond to civil unrest.

Police Officer, Training Instructor

Huntsville Police Department
Huntsville, AL
02.2006 - 11.2006
  • Duties included instruction of new police recruits in Pressure Point Control Tactics, Spontaneous Knife Defense, report writing, and physical training.
  • I provided continuing education for veteran police Officers to ensure they maintain their certifications.
  • I supervised the Huntsville Police Department's “Ranger Corp” which provided the youth of our community with an opportunity to ride with police Officers on patrol as a recruiting tool for the department.

Police Officer-Field Training Officer

Huntsville Police Department
Huntsville, AL
01.2000 - 02.2006
  • Duties included “on the job” training of new police recruits in all aspects of patrol work.
  • This included initial response, preservation of crime scenes, investigations of criminal activity, and report writing.
  • I recommended final approval for the recruits to be released to full duty status.

Police Officer

Huntsville Police Department
Huntsville, AL
01.1995 - 02.2006
  • Duties included responding to “in progress” crimes, investigating criminal activity, utilizing the community policing concept to decrease crime in my assigned zone, and preparing reports.
  • Experience gained by working both second and third shifts.
  • While serving as a uniformed Officer, I also served as a member of the following specialized units: Honor Guard, Bicycle Patrol, Critical Incident Stress Management Team, Mobile Field Force, and Fox Unit (community policing unit which operated solely in public housing).


FBI National Academy
01.2021 - 03.2021

M.S - Justice and Public Safety

Auburn University at Montgomery
08.2007 - 01.2001

B.S - Justice Studies

Athens State University
01.2005 - 01.2007

A.S - Criminal Justice

Calhoun Community College
01.2003 - 01.2004


Community Oriented Policingundefined

Leadership Training

  • Greater Huntsville Leadership – Flagship Program, Class L-33
  • Diversity Leadership Colloquium – Cohort XII
  • City of Huntsville – Mayor’s Leadership Development

Volunteer Work

Board of Directors- Thrive Alabama

06/15 – 06/20

Vice-President (11/17 – 06/20)

Leadership Greater Huntsville

Day Team - Public Safety Day 2021

Day Team Chair - Public Safety Day 2022

Honors and Awards

  • 2013 SOD Supervisor of the Year
  • 2010 SOD Supervisor of the Year
  • 2005 Officer of the Year
  • 1993 Ranger of the Year
  • 2014 Outstanding Performance Award
  • 2005 Purple Heart Medal Recipient
  • Three (3) Outstanding Unit Citations (as the supervisor of each unit)
  • Eleven (11) Certificates of Commendation
  • 2005 National Top Cop Award Nominee
  • Good Conduct Award
  • Outstanding Physical Fitness Award
  • Education Award


FBI National Academy
01.2021 - 03.2021

Police Captain

Huntsville Police Department
06.2020 - Current

Police Captain- Director

Huntsville Police Department
11.2016 - 06.2020

Police Captain

South Precinct Commander Huntsville Police Department
08.2015 - 11.2016

Police Lieutenant-Mobile Field Force/Incident Response Team Commander

Huntsville Police Department
10.2013 - 08.2015

Police Lieutenant

Huntsville Police Department
07.2013 - 08.2015

Police Sergeant

Madison-Morgan HIDTA Task Force Commander
10.2008 - 07.2013

M.S - Justice and Public Safety

Auburn University at Montgomery
08.2007 - 01.2001

Police Sergeant

Huntsville Police Department
11.2006 - 10.2008

Police Sergeant-Honor Guard Commander

Huntsville Police Department
11.2006 - 10.2008

Police Sergeant-Mobile Field Force Supervisor

Huntsville Police Department
11.2006 - 10.2008

Police Officer, Training Instructor

Huntsville Police Department
02.2006 - 11.2006

B.S - Justice Studies

Athens State University
01.2005 - 01.2007

A.S - Criminal Justice

Calhoun Community College
01.2003 - 01.2004

Police Officer-Field Training Officer

Huntsville Police Department
01.2000 - 02.2006

Police Officer

Huntsville Police Department
01.1995 - 02.2006
Londa Dewayne McCarver