Dedicated first-year student at Carnegie Mellon University studying physics. Always ready to step into group-oriented, research-focused opportunities in a timely and effective manner. Provides a good attitude in the workplace, and encourages good work from both himself and others. Reliable in getting work done on time and in high degree.
Group work
Computational work
Mathematical, Statistical, and Physical Calculations
My friend and I built a program using Python that allowed us to visualize and test the propagation of sound waves through different solids. This was completed using the spring-lattice theory of solids, and we utilized vPython for our model. Through testing our model and comparing it against data collected in labs, we were able to achieve 99.8% accuracy with our model. This program allowed me to improve my coding abilities, specifically within python, but also reinforced my Physics knowledge in a multitude of different topics. I honed my skills in group work, time management, and meeting project deadlines efficiently.