Work History

Luis Guillermo Pardo Yague

San Francisco,CA


Goal-focused anthropologist with a successful approach to complex problem-solving and best practices on field meeting organizational and regulatory expectations. Detail-oriented with a focus on achieving expected outcomes. Expertise of more than 8 years in collaborative work with communities in the field, including planning and managing protected areas. Skilled in participating in community, ethnic, population, and development studies. Collaborates with multilateral organizations for conservation projects that promote social value.


years of professional experience

Work History

Proffesional Consultant on Management Plans

National Natural Parks of Colombia
El Cocuy -, Boyacá, Colombia
02.2021 - 12.2024
  • Prepare quarterly management reports for funders, aid workers, governors, MADS, DNP, and control bodies, among others, and for National Natural Parks of Colombia.
  • Generate work scenarios with the protected area's internal group, Management Territorial, and Central Level Units to review and adjust different management plan components.
  • Create spaces with strategic actors for socialization and coordination management plan for El Cocuy National Natural Park.
  • Generation of knowledge exchange scenarios with Werjayos to identify topics of common interest.
  • Strengthen the governance scheme with U'wa communities through intercultural dialogue, using a differential approach to establish joint work and contribute to the management of the El Cocuy PNN.
  • Support spaces for socialization and consultation with communities of groups developed in the framework of prior consultation processes.
  • Participate in the table of particular management strategies, or other spaces, and technical and construction of social participation policy guidelines deemed relevant.

Professional Consultant on Management Plans

National Natural Parks of Colombia
Villa De Leyva, Colombia
03.2023 - 12.2023
  • Draw up the work plan for compliance with the contractual object, which the contract supervisor must approve.
  • Support with structuring previous studies, sector analysis, and market study of processes related to the management plan theme, in addition to managing the corresponding quotes.
  • Support with updating the management plan through reviewing compliance with the current management plan, through spaces for dialogue and internal discussion with the protected area team.
  • Manage the sites and convene meetings, workshops, and/or conferences to update the protected area management plan with the participation of the Sanctuary team, communities, and institutions of the zone of influence.
  • Generate processes and social spaces that facilitate the relationship with the communities in the zone of influence for the participatory construction of the management plan and update and strengthen the management of the protected area.
  • Carry out days of socialization of the updated management plan document to the interested community and the Sanctuary team.

Professional Consultor on Anthropology

KFW - Fondo Patrimonio Natural
Turbo, Antioquia Colombia
08.2022 - 06.2023
  • Generate contact and subsequent work with the Indigenous communities Wounaan, Embera Katio, and Kuna (Tune, Guna-Dule) to highlight the cosmovision of the territory and its ancestry, linking what is relevant within the ecotourism value chain in the PNN Los Katios.
  • Participate in community meetings with community councils to link them in the value chain, highlighting their cultural practices.
  • Develop the regional and local context of the protected area.
  • Identification, characterization, and prioritization of tourism actors in the area of influence already inside the Los Katios National Natural Park.
  • Characterization and analysis of the tourist demand of the PNN Los Katios.
  • Elaboration of the framework for interpreting the natural and cultural heritage and design of the experience of the PNN Los Katios (working days, including field trips), with the participation of the protected area team and actors related to the tourist activity attending the guidelines of PNNC.
  • Design the visit experience of PNN Los Katios, following the guide for ecotourism planning in PNN. For this exercise, a workshop must be held with protected area staff, ecotourism service providers, and other related actors.
  • Support in the definition of indicators for monitoring the impact of ecotourism on the PNN Los Katios, with the support of the area officials, incorporating indicators of state, pressure, and response. This includes elaborating the methodological sheets of the indicators in the institutional formats, to be previously approved by PNNC.

Professional Consultant on Social Sciences

Bucaramanga - , Bucaramanga - Colombia
07.2022 - 12.2022
  • Define the activities and work schedule according to the subject matter of the procurement and the expected outputs.
  • To propose participation and responsibility distribution among the Park's work team for achieving the contractual object, with priority for months, according to the dynamics of the area.
  • Prepare monthly activity reports.
  • Generate the spaces for reviewing information and analyzing the different themes of the management plan.
  • Coordinate and elaborate with the other professionals hired for the process on the approaches, analyses, and drafting of texts to be included in the document on the management plans and ecotourism management's different themes.
  • To accompany and support processes foreseen by the Ecotourism Management Plan, support in meetings, commitments, concertation, institutional strengthening, and socialization, inter-institutional, inter-level tour operators, and communities.
  • Conduct four (4) workshops with organized communities, Town Planning, Conserplay, JAC, and Water Management Boards whose thematic axes are water governance and sustainable development of the territory.
  • Perform management for water resource concessions.
  • Support splicing and socialization with the community, training, and scheduled workshops, processes, and community.
  • Didactic proposal for the socialization of management plan.

Professional Consultant in Social Sciences

San Vicente De Chucurí -, Santander , Colombia
08.2021 - 12.2021
  • Generate the necessary actions to formulate the document Ecotourism Management Plan, a Diagnosis component.
  • Analysis of the regional and local tourist context. Of the PNN Serranía de los Yariguies. Support is needed to identify, characterize, and analyze the ecotourism offered in the Yariguies National Park and its area of influence. (Resources and attractions, activities, services, service providers, tourist plant and infrastructure).
  • Support in developing workshops for the joint construction of the diagnosis, which present the equipment of the protected area, local tourism actors, including farmers, and providers of tourist services, with a representative sample of attendees.
  • Support in preparing a diagnostic synthesis to conclude the results of the diagnostic stage.
  • Generate actions necessary to formulate the document Ecotourism Management Plan, component Management.
  • Support analysis of the viability and compatibility of the resources and tourist attractions prioritized concerning the zoning established in the Management Plan of the Serranía de Los Yariguies National Natural Park.
  • Elaboration of the framework for interpreting the natural and cultural heritage of the PNN Serranía de los Yariguies (working days, including field trips), with the participation of the protected area team and actors related to the tourist activity attending the guidelines of PNNC.
  • Support the construction of the strategic plan and define outputs, goals, activities and indicators, annualization, managers, and annualized budget for five years, using the institutional format predetermined for this purpose, under construction in conjunction with the three levels of PNNC.

Professional Consultant in Ecotourism

National Natural Parks of Colombia
La Uribe, Meta, Meta - Colombia
03.2020 - 12.2020
  • To create a guide to the interpretation of the natural and cultural heritage of the ecological trail of the Churucos in the jurisdiction of the municipality of Uribe.
  • Develop a Baseline document to characterize and interpret the Art Rock in the path of Petroglyphs Raudal Angosturas I.
  • Hold meetings and training with rural communities to strengthen skills in interpreting cultural heritage in the park.
  • Generate inputs concerning the ethnic history of the park, recorded in the Story Map tool.
  • Develop consultancy terms of reference for updating the Tinigua Park before the KFW (German Cooperation Fund).
  • Support the Reopening Plan of the municipality's tourism value chain, Macarena, under COVID-19 with biosafety protocols.

Professional Consultant in Tourism

Esencia LLanera
Villavicencio, Meta, Colombia
04.2018 - 12.2019
  • Manage operations between the tourism value chain in Villavicencio.
  • Structure and present projects with a cultural focus that helps manage marketing strategies and promote Esencia Llanera.
  • Write reports of events related to tourism management.
  • Investigate the history of Llanera colonization and incorporate this history into tourist products, such as scripts, brochures, audiovisual material, and other virtual information materials.
  • Collaborate in implementing methodologies for trend analysis and international cooperation with Esencia Llanera.
  • Attend the meetings scheduled by Esencia Llanera with entities for strengthening internal management: USAID, INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MIGRATION, UNDP, and NETWORK TERRITORIES FOR PEACE. Encourage the visit of tourists by the agency by strengthening the tourist offer: travel plans, day passes, tourist circuit, etc.


National University of Colombia
Bogotá D.C. , Bogotá D.C.
09.2016 - 12.2016
  • Assist the project in its preparation, launching, and implementation phases in the field.
  • Preparation of bibliographic and cartographic material; implementation of materials for processing ethnographic, geographical, and archaeological data in the field.
  • Collecting, storing, and transporting of these data 4) analysis, elaborating, and redacting of reports of the fieldwork
  • Elaborate on maps and characterize the village's areas taken into account for implementing the second phase of the archaeological managing plan and the territorial managing plan of the highlands of the Lindosa.
  • Support the making of the booklet 'Millennial History of the Guaviare'. Rupestrian Pictures from the Lindosa's highlands. It was addressed to the scholar sector by the Guaviare Department.


Bogotá D.C., Bogotá D.C. Colombia
09.2013 - 06.2016
  • Uploading of the chair's page periodically.
  • Attention and bringing of information to the chair's office.
  • Bring assistance in the sessions, meetings, and training of the chair.
  • Editing of material for each session and web transmission.
  • Help with the management of the virtual classroom.
  • Supports the directors and coordinators and sends reports and information.
  • Assistance to the processes of assessment about the chair.


Master of Science - Anthropology

National University of Colombia
Bogotá D.C.

Bachelor of Arts - Philosophy

National University of Colombia
Bogotá D.C.

Technical Degree - Systems Technician

Villavicencio - Colombia


Intercultural approach

Humanitarian work

Empathic relationship-building

Work under pressing conditions

Field work lover

Nature lover

Easygoing traveler


  • Scholarship Programme for Young Professors and Researchers from Latin American Universities . 2017
  • Training of high-level human capital for the Meta Department - 2015


Native/ Bilingual
Full Professional


Professional Consultant on Management Plans

National Natural Parks of Colombia
03.2023 - 12.2023

Professional Consultor on Anthropology

KFW - Fondo Patrimonio Natural
08.2022 - 06.2023

Professional Consultant on Social Sciences

07.2022 - 12.2022

Professional Consultant in Social Sciences

08.2021 - 12.2021

Proffesional Consultant on Management Plans

National Natural Parks of Colombia
02.2021 - 12.2024

Professional Consultant in Ecotourism

National Natural Parks of Colombia
03.2020 - 12.2020

Professional Consultant in Tourism

Esencia LLanera
04.2018 - 12.2019


National University of Colombia
09.2016 - 12.2016


09.2013 - 06.2016

Master of Science - Anthropology

National University of Colombia

Bachelor of Arts - Philosophy

National University of Colombia

Technical Degree - Systems Technician

Luis Guillermo Pardo Yague