Hardworking and punctual employee with customer service, multitasking and time management abilities. Eager to be meet expectations. Adaptable, reliable and teachable.
2020-2023 - Received lead singing roles in performing arts group.
2021-2023 - Served with a non-profit organization in Romania, Italy, Poland and the Dominican
Republic to assist in orphanages with children ages 4 to 17 by attending to the needs of the
orphanage children and care takers. This includes physical labor, sports activities, crafts, and construction
2022-2023 - Served on church mission trip to Utah and Antigua with communities in need of
care, construction and respite.
2021-2022 - Volunteered with church VBS ministry for children ages 5-12.
2020 - Volunteered at Tree of Life School serving lunches and assisting as a playground assistant.
2019-2022 - Sound booth technician for rehearsals and performances with local performing arts
In my free time, I enjoy cooking, playing golf, disc golf, skiing and mountain biking and playing board games with family and friends.
2023 - Awarded All-Team player for Kalamazoo Cougars Varsity Soccer state tournament.
All-Team Player award is chosen by the coaches and players on the opposing teams at the
state tournament. The criteria for receiving this award is based upon how well the player works
with the team, attitude toward other teams and referees, and skill in the game.