Work History
Professional Development Facilitated
Training Completed
Leadership Experience




Personable Instructional Coach with +25 years in education as a classroom teacher, interventionist, coach and leader. Committed to keeping abreast of effective math practices, supporting teachers through training, modeling and coaching cycles. Leadership roles with impact on district wide systems, state wide initiatives, as well as experience speaking on nation wide platforms.



Years of educational experience


Years of coaching and intervention experience

Work History

Instructional Coach - Math/Science

Waverly School District
Lansing, MI
01.2021 - Current
  • Serve the district's 3 elementary schools, facilitate PDs, grade-level PLCs, Mentor/Mentee meetings
  • Coach, model, observe, provide resources and instructional guidance for teachers
  • Lead staff member for Math Curriculum Adoption Committee, 2023-24
  • Coordinator for Math/Literacy Night, STEAM Month, STEAM Career Day, Family Science Night
  • Facilitate FastBridge standardized assessment training, scheduling, administering, analysis of data
  • Construct the district pacing guides for elementary math and science
  • Collaborate and guide administrators, and directors in creating district-wide systems
  • Selected for ISD Learning Lab Initiative; coached teachers using Math Essentials tool; observed by leaders throughout the state; served on panel explaining experience

District-Wide K-12 Instructional Coach

Lansing School District
Lansing, MI
01.2018 - 01.2021
  • Facilitated professional development for schools, coaches, and for the district
  • Provided individual, grade-level coaching for teachers, served 5 schools in the district, K-12
  • Led the Instructional Coaches Math Focus Group to examine Math instruction in the district
  • Facilitated the creation of the Math Resource Binder for Instructional Coaches
  • Secondary Math/ELA Coach from 2019-20, My Teacher Partner with the American Institute of Research study, using iCollaborate/CLASS framework

Chair of Math Steering Committee

Lansing School District
Lansing, MI
01.2017 - 01.2021
  • Coordinated, conducted meetings, provided resources to math teachers throughout the district
  • Collaborated with Ingham ISD Math Consultants, administration leads to plan and reflect
  • Shared strategies, survey teachers, and make recommendations to the district
  • Analyzed new Go Math curriculum and provided feedback to district leadership

Math Specialist/Coach

Lansing School District
Lansing, MI
01.2016 - 01.2018
  • Provided professional development, instructional coaching, collaborative teaching, and planning
  • Facilitated quarterly grade-level Instructional Learning Cycles, analyzed/reflected on data
  • Conducted benchmark/progress monitoring testing, weekly data monitoring, flexible grouping
  • Conducted small group sessions with differentiated plans for Tier I, II, and III students
  • Member of CRPBIS team, Problem-Solving Team, Parent Action Committee, Math Club coordinator, Math Night coordinator, Black History Month coordinator

Math Specialist

Shabazz Public School Academy
Lansing, MI
01.2008 - 01.2010
  • Provided professional development, co-taught, co-planned lessons, ordered math resources
  • Conducted small group sessions with differentiated plans for Tier I, II, and III students
  • Coordinated school-wide Family Math Day, Chair of Math/Science committee and Science Fair
  • Coordinated PSAT for 5th and 6th grade students
  • Chair of Science committee, head coordinator for Science Fair
  • Chair of School Improvement Team: Developed and submitted the district's School Improvement Plan, created staff committees, coordinated committee leader meetings and system for reporting to the School Improvement Team, created school-wide schedules, discipline procedures, and weekly communication memos, behavior reward events, sent weekly communication
  • Founder of Girls' Club
  • Organized workshops: self-esteem, study skills, etiquette skills, hygiene, book study, self-regulation, peer mediation
  • Community service: Ronald McDonald House, Grand-haven Retirement Home, food bank, reading to grades K-2
  • Hosted speakers: Author Denise Crittendon of "Girl in the Mirror", lawyer, engineer, motivational speaker, etiquette consultant, and college students
  • Field trips/events: Michigan State University tour, MSU Science for Girls, Induction (Rites of Passage) Ceremony, school lock-in, sleepovers

Complex Coordinator

Office of Minority Student Affairs
Michigan State University
01.1994 - 01.1995
  • Promoted to coordinator after serving two years as Minority Aide Resident Assistant
  • Coordinated activities, provided support, and monitored responsibilities of minority aides
  • Served as a liaison, communicated concerns between administrators and minority aides
  • Awarded Complex Coordinator of the Year, 1995

Minority Aide Resident Assistant

Office of Minority Student Affairs
Michigan State University
01.1992 - 01.1994
  • Referred students to resources and coordinated cultural awareness activities in resident halls
  • Mediated conflicts between residents, including issues related to racial/cultural differences
  • Assisted minority residents in their transition to college
  • Collaborated with Aides and reported concerns to administration


MS - Middle School Mathematics Education

Walden University

BA - Elementary Ed

Michigan State University

EdD - College Teaching and Learning

Walden University
09.2012 - Current


  • Facilitating professional development
  • Co-teaching, modeling, lesson planning
  • Organizing and analyzing data
  • Developing Math & Science pacing guides
  • Leading Math Steering, science committees
  • Organizing Science Fairs, Math & Science Nights

Professional Development Facilitated

  • Catapult Learning-National Math PD Consultant, Los Angeles, CA, 2021-07-01, 2021-09-01, Singapore Math - Los Angeles, CA -August, 2021, Developing Young Mathemeticians - Baltimore School District -September, 2021, Teaching Math for Deep Understanding - Milwaukee, WI - July, 2021
  • Learning Forward-Professional Learning Association, Unknown, Unknown, 2020-05-01, 2020-05-01, Learning from Coaches: Supporting Teams and Individuals - a nationally viewed webinar with over 500 in attendance
  • Lansing School District, Lansing, MI, 2015-01-01, 2021-01-01, Deconstructing Standards: Modified for various schools, coaches and the district, Deconstructing Standards with a Lens on Equity- District Wide, Exploring the Math Resource Binder for Instructional Coaches, Instructional Learning Cycles: Grade-level planning, collaborating and reflecting, Staff Meetings: Analyzing School Data, Understanding Instructioanal Coaching, Implementing the Go Math curriculum, Guided Math Workshop
  • Shabazz Academy, Lansing, MI, 2008-01-01, 2014-01-01, Common Core Alignment, 8 Mathematical Practices for Mathematics, Singapore Math Strategies, Problem Solving Strategies, 8 Mathematical Practices, Utilizing Technology/Mathematics Websites
  • Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools, Charlotte, NC, 1996-01-01, 2008-01-01, English as a Second Language, Foldables - Instructional Strategy using graphic organizers, Analysis of Student Data

Training Completed

  • Early Math-Meaningful Fact Fluency, Building Blocks of Pre-K-3 Math, Organizational Practices
  • Coaching: Jim Kight -Impact Cycle, Better Conversations, GROWTH model; Jill Jackson
  • My Teaching Partner/CLASS strengths-based model, Coaching 101, Critical Friends
  • Marzano- Art and Science of Teaching, Marzano Evaluation Model, Danielson Evaluation Model
  • NWEA, AimsWeb, HMH-Go Math/ThinkCentral, IXL, Reflex, Study Island, Lexia, Google Classroom
  • Cultural responsiveness, DEI, Cultivating Genius, trauma-informed, LGBTQ+ awareness, brain research
  • Guided Math Workshop, Math Fact Lab, Flipped Instruction, MTSS, Daily 5, Foldables, SIOP, AVID

Leadership Experience

  • Instructional Coach - Math/Science, Waverly School District, Lansing, MI, 2021-01-01, Present, Serve the district's 3 elementary schools, facilitate PDs, grade-level PLCs, Mentor/Mentee meetings, Coach, model, observe, provide resources and instructional guidance for teachers, Lead staff member for Math Curriculum Adoption Committee, 2023-24, Coordinator for Math/Literacy Night, STEAM Month, STEAM Career Day, Family Science Night, Facilitate FastBridge standardized assessment training, scheduling, administering, analysis of data, Construct the district pacing guides for elementary math and science, Collaborate and guide administrators, and directors in creating district-wide systems, Selected for ISD Learning Lab Initiative; coached teachers using Math Essentials tool; observed by leaders throughout the state; served on panel explaining experience
  • District-Wide K-12 Instructional Coach, Lansing School District, Lansing, MI, 2018-01-01, 2021-01-01, Facilitated professional development for schools, coaches, and for the district, Provided individual, grade-level coaching for teachers, served 5 schools in the district, K-12, Led the Instructional Coaches Math Focus Group to examine Math instruction in the district, Facilitated the creation of the Math Resource Binder for Instructional Coaches, Secondary Math/ELA Coach from 2019-20, My Teacher Partner with the American Institute of Research study, using iCollaborate/CLASS framework
  • Chair of Math Steering Committee, Lansing School District, Lansing, MI, 2017-01-01, 2021-01-01, Coordinated, conducted meetings, provided resources to math teachers throughout the district, Collaborated with Ingham ISD Math Consultants, administration leads to plan and reflect, Shared strategies, survey teachers, and make recommendations to the district, Analyzed new Go Math curriculum and provided feedback to district leadership
  • Math Specialist/Coach, Willow Elementary, Lansing School District, Lansing, MI, 2016-01-01, 2018-01-01, Provided professional development, instructional coaching, collaborative teaching, and planning, Facilitated quarterly grade-level Instructional Learning Cycles, analyzed/reflected on data, Conducted benchmark/progress monitoring testing, weekly data monitoring, flexible grouping, Conducted small group sessions with differentiated plans for Tier I, II, and III students, Member of CRPBIS team, Problem-Solving Team, Parent Action Committee, Math Club coordinator, Math Night coordinator, Black History Month coordinator
  • Math Specialist, Shabazz Public School Academy, Lansing, MI, 2008-01-01, 2010-01-01, Provided professional development, co-taught, co-planned lessons, ordered math resources, Conducted small group sessions with differentiated plans for Tier I, II, and III students, Coordinated school-wide Family Math Day, Chair of Math/Science committee and Science Fair, Coordinated PSAT for 5th and 6th grade students, Chair of Science committee, head coordinator for Science Fair, Chair of School Improvement Team: Developed and submitted the district's School Improvement Plan, created staff committees, coordinated committee leader meetings and system for reporting to the School Improvement Team, created school-wide schedules, discipline procedures, and weekly communication memos, behavior reward events, sent weekly communication, Founder of Girls' Club
  • Complex Coordinator, Office of Minority Student Affairs, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, 1994-01-01, 1995-01-01, Coordinated activities, provided support, and monitored responsibilities of minority aides, Served as a liaison, communicated concerns between administrators and minority aides, Awarded Complex Coordinator of the Year, 1995
  • Minority Aide Resident Assistant, Office of Minority Student Affairs, MSU, East Lansing, MI, 1992-01-01, 1994-01-01, Referred students to resources and coordinated cultural awareness activities in resident halls, Mediated conflicts between residents, including issues related to racial/cultural differences, Assisted minority residents in their transition to college, Collaborated with Aides and reported concerns to administration


  • Walden University, Master's level topics: Making Math Engaging, Music and Mathematics, Analyzing Geometry, and Common Core Mathematics
  • Walden University, Doctorate level courses: Diversity in Higher Education, Urban Education, Student-Centered Learning, Adult Learning Strategies, Program Planning, Data Analysis Training Proposal
  • Michigan State University -Summer Research Opportunity Program, Zimbabwe, Africa, Topic: the Educational System in Zimbabwe, 1994; and Capitalism and Sports, 1993


Awarded $1300 Waverly Educational Foundation Grant for STEAM Cart, resources for teachers, 2023

*Staff Recognition Award, Dwight Rich, 2021

*CLASS Certification, 2018

*Beyond the Call of Duty Award, Shabazz Academy, 2012

*Outstanding Contribution as Staff Member, Shabazz Academy, 2010

*Middle Grades Mathematics Certification, 2010

*National Board Certification in Early Adolescence Mathematics, 2003

*Complex Coordinator of the Year, Michigan State University, 1995

*Minority Aide of the Year, Michigan State University, 1994


References available upon request.


Instructional Coach - Math/Science

Waverly School District
01.2021 - Current

District-Wide K-12 Instructional Coach

Lansing School District
01.2018 - 01.2021

Chair of Math Steering Committee

Lansing School District
01.2017 - 01.2021

Math Specialist/Coach

Lansing School District
01.2016 - 01.2018

EdD - College Teaching and Learning

Walden University
09.2012 - Current

Math Specialist

Shabazz Public School Academy
01.2008 - 01.2010

Complex Coordinator

Office of Minority Student Affairs
01.1994 - 01.1995

Minority Aide Resident Assistant

Office of Minority Student Affairs
01.1992 - 01.1994

MS - Middle School Mathematics Education

Walden University

BA - Elementary Ed

Michigan State University