I'm a Marketing major attending Bridgewater State University and very excited to be pursuing a passion for building connections and utilizing skills in three languages: Portuguese, Spanish, and English. I am a friendly and outgoing person who loves talking to people and creating meaningful relationships.
I am not shy when it comes to interacting with others, and language skills gives an edge in today's global marketplace. I am always seeking opportunities to learn and grow, and am eager to gain hands-on experience in the marketing field. I have a strong work ethic and I am willing to go the extra mile to achieve the company's goals.
My diverse language skills and cultural understanding makes myself an asset to any team or organization looking to expand its reach in different markets. With great enthusiasm for marketing and exceptional communication skills, I am poised to make a positive impact in the industry. I am a dedicated and passionate individual who is committed to achieving success in my future career and making a difference in the world of marketing.
Operating a weedwhacker or other handheld tools to remove weeds and other unwanted plants around the solar panels.
Ensuring that the area is safe to work in and free of any debris that could damage the solar panels.
Working with a team to maintain the cleanliness and safety of the solar panel farm.