Work History
Maribel Okiye

Maribel Okiye

PhD Candidate


years of professional experience
years of post-secondary education




Motivated, self-directed Graduate Student with exceptional verbal and written communication skills. Invests passion and commitment to achieve corporate vision. Applies analysis, lean methodology and latest technology to lead change and tackle new projects and ideas. As a the graduate student of world renown natural product chemist Dr. David H. Sherman and Director of the Life Sciences Institute Natural Product Discovery Core at the UM Life Sciences Institute, Maribel brings a unique and valuable interdisciplinary insight to natural product research with her proficiency in designing methodologies for extraction and analysis of complex natural products from the human microbiome.


Ph.D - Chemistry

University Of Michigan - Ann Arbor
Ann Arbor, MI
05.2018 - Current

M.S - Bioinformatics

University Of Michigan - Ann Arbor
Ann Arbor, MI
08.2020 - Current

B.S - Biochemistry

The Catholic University Of America
08.2014 - 05.2018


Diversity Equity & Inclusion Certification

Work History

Graduate Student Research Assistant

Ann Arbor, MI
01.2019 - Current

Currently in the Life Sciences Institute (LSI), I work with the under the supervision of Dr David Sherman I use Mzmine 2 and Metabolanalyst to perform qualitative and quantitative analysis of MSMS data to characterize and isolate natural products with biological activity. Thus far, I have characterized and isolated over 4 dozen potentially bioactive secondary metabolites produced by oral microbes and elucidated their biosynthetic pathways and have identified several molecules that can serve as biomarkers for oral and systemic diseases.

In addition I have prepared fact sheets, tables and graphs to summarize research results for proposals and applications to external bodies for funding and contractual purposes.

Graduate Student Researcher

University of Michigan
Arbor, MI
09.2018 - 12.2018

Studied the oxidative modifications and/or degradation of viral RNA during waste water treatment and and water filtration.

Graduate Student Researcher

Dr. Jennifer Bridewell-Rabb, University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI
05.2018 - 08.2018

Studied air sensitive light-absorbing proteins in chlorophyll, specifically radical SAM enzymes. During my research we were able determined the crystal structure of two light and oxygen sensitive proteins and determine the mechanism of action.

Undergraduate Research Intern

Dr. Pamela Tuma, Catholic University of America, Catholic University of Americam
Washington, DC
08.2017 - 12.2017

Conducted cancer research on the mutations of STK16 Clone 9 cells to reduce the secretion of MAL 2 protein known to be highly active in cancer.

Undergraduate Research Intern

University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI
05.2017 - 08.2017

During my NSF Intedisplinary Research Experience for Undergradaute (iREU) at the University of Michigan College of Pharmacy , I worked on elucidating the biosynthetic pathways of Nas A and Nas B, which are cyclodipeptide synthases upstream from a well studied cytocrome P450.

In my research I focused on manipulating Nas A and B's binding site to increase natural product diversity. In my role I gathered, arranged and corrected research data to create representative graphs and charts highlighting results for presentations and assessed data using scientific methods while following all important specifications.

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Dr. Frank Portugal, Catholic University of America
Washington, DC
09.2015 - 12.2015

Investigated bacterial interaction through the use of quorum sensors to understand microbial regulation. In addition to my research I recorded data and maintained source documentation following good documentation practices and gathered, prepared and evaluated or tested various biological samples.


  • Sigma Xi Research Society — September 2020 — Present
  • Present Integrated Training in Microbial Systems Program Traineeship — September 2020 — Present
  • NSF Graduate Research Fellowship — August 2020 — Present
  • Chemical Biology Interface Training Grant — August 2019 — Present
  • New Frontiers Scholar — August 2019
  • Rackham Merit Fellowship August 2018 — Present


University of Michigan Teaching Certificate


Diversity Equity & Inclusion Certification


M.S - Bioinformatics

University Of Michigan - Ann Arbor
08.2020 - Current

Graduate Student Research Assistant

01.2019 - Current

Graduate Student Researcher

University of Michigan
09.2018 - 12.2018

Cultural Competency in Spanish Healthcare


Ph.D - Chemistry

University Of Michigan - Ann Arbor
05.2018 - Current

Graduate Student Researcher

Dr. Jennifer Bridewell-Rabb, University of Michigan
05.2018 - 08.2018

Undergraduate Research Intern

Dr. Pamela Tuma, Catholic University of America, Catholic University of Americam
08.2017 - 12.2017

Undergraduate Research Intern

University of Michigan
05.2017 - 08.2017

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Dr. Frank Portugal, Catholic University of America
09.2015 - 12.2015

B.S - Biochemistry

The Catholic University Of America
08.2014 - 05.2018
Maribel OkiyePhD Candidate