Work History

Mark Preus



I grew up learning theology around the dinner table and in church. Wherever God has brought me, He has kept the hymns I was taught and His Word with me. I married a woman who still loves the Gospel, and I teach this same Gospel to her and to my children. My favorite conversation is a theological one. Everything is theological! I approach the pulpit with fear of Him to whom I must give an account. I must please Him and not men. God has taught me through study, through trial, through prayer, and through faith in His Word how to be a pastor. My sufficiency is from God, who has made me a competent minister of the New Testament, of the Spirit, who gives life to the penitent in the blood of Christ, my Savior.

I always study for my sermons, unless they are the short five minute sermons I preach for Matins, where I look over the text and pray, and then preach on the basis of the analogy of faith. I read the Greek, and as much of the Hebrew as a I can. I look through Walther's Law and Gospel when I have a question about the application of doctrine; I search the Scriptures. My studies for sermon preparation have led me through Luther, Augustine, Chrysostom, Ambrose, Aquinas's Catena, John Gerhard, John Arndt, Walther, Brenz, Chemnitz, Dietrich, Reinhold Pieper, Neumeister, Rolf Preus, Robert Preus, and many others. I believe that imitation of faithful fathers before me is very effective for both comprehension and application of the Scriptures, as well as for rhetorical logos and pathos.

In my teaching I attempt not only to summarize the gist of the material, but to ask questions which apply the main points to other topics of theology, history, philosophy, morality, and culture.


years of professional experience

Work History


St. Andrew's Lutheran Church And Campus Center
09.2014 - Current
  • Preaching, teaching, and administering the sacraments.
  • Conducting the divine service on Sundays.
  • Conducting midweek evening services during school year and most of the Summer.
  • Teaching Bible Class on Sunday mornings.
  • Teaching midweek Bible Studies every week during the school year.
  • Catechizing adults and children throughout the year.
  • Conducting morning services Monday through Thursday since Spring of 2016 for college students and now school students.
  • Teaching theology at St. Andrew's Lutheran School since 2020.
  • Teaching Latin
  • Meeting on a weekly basis with students and parishioners to counsel them through spiritual difficulties.
  • Organizing student retreats and activities.
  • Organizing both junior and senior high youth retreats.
  • Helped found and continue to organize the young adult retreat, "Herring Barrel."
  • Organizing and facilitating outreach on campus.


Faith Lutheran Church
08.2010 - 08.2014

  • Preaching, teaching, and administering the sacraments.
  • Conducted the divine service on Sundays and feasts.
  • Conducted midweek services during Advent and Lent.
  • Officiated special services such as weddings, funerals, and nursing home services.
  • Organized Sunday School.
  • Let youth group.
  • Conducted home visits of members.


Faith Lutheran School
08.2010 - 08.2014
  • Taught Theology, History, Literature, and rhetoric for two years, Latin for four.
  • Cooperated with headmaster and pastors with planning of curriculum.
  • Preached often for chapel services.


Graduate Assistant

University Of Kansas, Department Of Classics
08.2008 - 05.2010
  • Taught Graeco-Roman Mythology three times
  • Taught Latin twice.
  • Helped as assistant curator of a small museum for Ancient artifacts.


Master of Arts - Classics

University of Kansas
Lawrence, KS

Master of Divinity - Practical Theology

Concordia Theological Seminary
Fort Wayne, IN

Bachelor of Arts - Latin

University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
Minneapolis, MN


  • Preaching; I have preached consistently on the historic lectionary for nearly ten years, as well as sermon series, and for the last year and a half during the week on the texts provided by the Lutheran Missal Project
  • Teaching; I have taught through several books of the Old and New Testament, with emphasis on the Psalms and Romans; I have also taught many topical Bible Studies on apologetic and cultural themes; I have spoken at a number of conferences and events throughout the years on various topics
  • Pastoral Care; I have counseled Christians of all ages, including widows and couples seeking pre-marital and marital counseling
  • Gathering Christians and their talents; I helped organize the "Congress on the Lutheran Confessions" from 2011-2019; I have organized youth conferences yearly for most of the last ten years; I have helped find authors for and edit the magazine, "Christian Culture"
  • Poetry; I have written hundreds of hymns and poems since 2001, a few of which have been published


Professional Working
Full Professional
Professional Working
Limited Working



St. Andrew's Lutheran Church And Campus Center
09.2014 - Current


Faith Lutheran Church
08.2010 - 08.2014


Faith Lutheran School
08.2010 - 08.2014

Graduate Assistant

University Of Kansas, Department Of Classics
08.2008 - 05.2010

Master of Arts - Classics

University of Kansas

Master of Divinity - Practical Theology

Concordia Theological Seminary

Bachelor of Arts - Latin

University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
Mark Preus