Work History

Matthew Laskowski



Dedicated educational leader specializing in school improvement, collaboration, problem solving and innovative program development. Extensive experience in promoting a positive school climate and implementing systems to improve efficacy and efficiency.


years of professional experience

Work History

Associate Superintendent, Middle School Programs

Stamford Public Schools - Central Office
07.2024 - Current
  • Coached, mentored and supervised principals of five middle schools and two K-8 schools across Stamford.
  • Supported principals in the development, progress monitoring and implementation of strategic school improvement plans (SSIPs).
  • Established and manage alignment of SSIPs with District Goals and Objectives; align stakeholders around strategic vision.
  • Oversaw implementation of high quality, ambitious and equitable instructional practices designed to mee the needs of a diverse student population.
  • Ensured alignment between Board of Education, Superintendent, Central Office Administration, Principals, and Teachers.
  • Coordinated with and responded to Board of Education, City of Stamford Departments including Engineering, Risk Management, IT, Controller's Office, Planning Board, Board of Finance and other Boards as needed.
  • Supported the district budget development and management process.
  • Recruited and managed the hiring processes for principals and other high level administrative positions.
  • Provided input to the Superintendent in preparation for collective bargaining negotiations with certified employees on behalf of the district.

Executive Director of Access and Opportunity

Stamford Public Schools - Central Office
09.2022 - 06.2024
  • Supported and mentored new principals at the middle school level.
  • Supported the Coordinator of Alternative Education with operations, scheduling, staffing and student support.
  • Conducted a community anthropology to identify assets and resources throughout the Stamford community that would benefit SPS students.
  • Conducted empathy interviews with students and families across Stamford to gain a deeper understanding of what is working in SPS schools and what are areas that could be improved.
  • Developed and opened the SPS Remote Learning Program for students in grades 9-12.
  • Supervised the SPS Remote Learning Specialist.
  • Collaboratively developed and implemented Grade Promotion Support (GPS) to provide wrap around support to struggling 9th grade students at both Stamford High School and Westhill High School.
  • Served as the district liaison for students involved in the juvenile justice system.
  • Led the development of the Stamford Big Picture Learning Academy with the target opening of Fall 2024.


Rippowam Middle School
10.2017 - 08.2022
  • Led Middle School Teaching and Learning Re-Opening Sub-Committee to develop expectations, grading plans, and master schedule to support full remote, hybrid and full in-school models.
  • Collaborated with district department head for social work to develop Touch Points intervention to support socially or emotionally needy students in all grade levels.
  • Implemented restorative practices school-wide to support school climate, conflict resolution and behavior management/support.
  • Presented at National Association of School Psychologists annual convention on the benefits of prioritizing and monitoring school connectedness.
  • Participated on city-wide panel on safety, security and social-emotional needs including the mayor, chief of police, superintendent of school and other community officials.
  • Led collaborative effort between School Data Team (SDT) and Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) to develop Strategic School Improvement Plan (SSIP).
  • Led ILT in monitoring adherence to school vision, adherence and completion of SSIP goals, objectives and initiatives as well as the monitoring of student learning and achievement through continuous data collection.
  • Oversaw SRBI Core Team meeting schedule and implementation of SRBI process/protocols.
  • Conducted mini professional learning sessions to support SRBI rollout
  • Collaboratively developed professional development calendar to address school-wide needs and support new initiatives.
  • Observed, evaluated and coached staff members to support district curriculums and instructional best practices.
  • Developed systems approach through focus teams to execute and continuously monitor SSIP initiatives and action steps.
  • Implemented committees centered on identified areas of concern that include faculty, parents and students.
  • Regularly communicated with stakeholders to collect input, disseminate information and highlight community or school-based events.
  • Monitored building-based budget.
  • Implemented Attendance Review Board (ARB).
  • Revised Master Schedule.

Assistant Principal

Stamford High School
08.2015 - 10.2017
  • Observed, evaluated and coached staff from Special Education, English, Fine Arts and Pupil Personnel Services departments.
  • Led steering committee that created and implemented Early College Studies (ECS) at Stamford High School in collaboration with NCC, SPEF, Mayor's Youth Employment Services and Beyond Limits.
  • Testing Coordinator for PSAT, CAPT/NGSS, SAT.
  • SRBI coordinator - led team of teachers, counselors and administrators to develop SRBI process for SHS.
  • Conducted professional development for teachers centered on Tier 1 instruction and support focused in the areas of identifying areas of concern, implementing interventions and monitoring the efficacy of interventions.
  • Developed pilot SHS SRBI manual and contributed to district secondary SRBI manual.
  • Established data monitoring systems for SRBI.
  • Collaborated with district SRBI committee to revise SRBI process for all secondary schools.
  • 504 coordinator.
  • Co-led district scheduling committee.
  • Chaired PPT meetings for grades 9-12.
  • Collaborated with central office administration to ensure needs of all students were met via PPT process.
  • Developed para educator schedules to support students in need of enhanced staffing.
  • Revised Focus Walks and developed data monitoring forms to track department and school-wide trends based on focus areas.

Lead Developer, Danbury Early College Opportunity

Danbury High School
06.2014 - 07.2015
  • Led Steering Committee that included leadership from NVCC, NewOak, Pitney Bowes and the CT Board of Regents.
  • Developed 4, 5, and 6-year scope and sequences.
  • Collaborated with NewOak and Pitney Bowes liaisons to develop mentoring program and write Workplace Learning curriculum.
  • Presented DECO program to Chamber of Commerce, Savings Bank of Danbury and People's Bank to solicit funding and potential internships.
  • Organized presentations to middle school parents and students to disseminate program details.
  • Recruited students from all 3 Danbury middle schools as well as local parochial and private schools yielding over 150 applicants.
  • Developed, data-driven, program monitoring plan.

Dean of Student Support

Danbury High School
10.2012 - 06.2015
  • Provided professional development and mini-workshops to staff on topics including, PowerSchool, SRBI, and classroom management.
  • Served as New Teacher Coordinator.
  • Coached teachers, in one-to-one and small group settings, on the implementation of Tier 1 SRBI interventions.
  • Collaboratively wrote grants to seed projects such as Danbury ECO and Twilight School - both were funded.
  • Developed Twilight School Programs.
  • Assisted in creation of master schedule for all middle schools in Danbury.
  • Designed and directed the Student Tutoring Center.
  • Hired, trained, and coached content specific interventionists.
  • Established comprehensive progress monitoring system comprised of goal setting, data tracking and reflection for at risk students.
  • Collaboratively implemented interventions to support academic, attendance and behavioral needs of students.
  • Mentored Dean of Student Support for Ninth Grade Academy.
  • Served on school improvement committees.

Physical Educator/Health Teacher

Rogers Park Middle School
08.2005 - 10.2012
  • Instructed large, diverse classes focused on improving physical, mental and emotional health, and promoting lifelong fitness.
  • Awarded technology grant, which provided funding to improve assessments, feedback, and parental communication.
  • Developed comprehensive middle school physical education curriculum to meet needs of all students.
  • Created interdisciplinary programs of instruction to improve students' understanding of CMT strands.


Certificate in School Management And Leadership - Leading Change

Harvard University
Cambridge, MA

Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study - Advanced Educational Leadership

University of New England

Master of Science - Special Education

Western Connecticut State University
Danbury, CT

Bachelor of Science - Movement and Sports Studies/Physical Education

Springfield College
Springfield, MA


Intermediate Administration and Supervision - 092

Provisional Educator

Certification Number - C022017001393

Physical Education, Pre K through 12 - 044

Professional Educator

Certification Number - C042016002357


Associate Superintendent, Middle School Programs

Stamford Public Schools - Central Office
07.2024 - Current

Executive Director of Access and Opportunity

Stamford Public Schools - Central Office
09.2022 - 06.2024


Rippowam Middle School
10.2017 - 08.2022

Assistant Principal

Stamford High School
08.2015 - 10.2017

Lead Developer, Danbury Early College Opportunity

Danbury High School
06.2014 - 07.2015

Dean of Student Support

Danbury High School
10.2012 - 06.2015

Physical Educator/Health Teacher

Rogers Park Middle School
08.2005 - 10.2012

Intermediate Administration and Supervision - 092

Provisional Educator

Certification Number - C022017001393

Physical Education, Pre K through 12 - 044

Professional Educator

Certification Number - C042016002357

Certificate in School Management And Leadership - Leading Change

Harvard University

Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study - Advanced Educational Leadership

University of New England

Master of Science - Special Education

Western Connecticut State University

Bachelor of Science - Movement and Sports Studies/Physical Education

Springfield College
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