Work History

Mehmet Timur Sen

Senior Software Engineer


Seasoned software developer with over 15+ years of experience, specializing in Java development and delivering reliable, scalable solutions. Skilled in leveraging Java, Spring Framework, and Agile methodologies to drive project success. Known for adaptability, teamwork, and the ability to navigate evolving requirements in dynamic development environments.


years of professional experience
years of post-secondary education

Work History

Senior Java Developer

JP Morgan Chase & Company
08.2019 - Current
  • Implemented & Architected +50 different Financial backend Java Micro-Services in Spring Boot Framework
  • Leading the TDD Team, responsible of TDD reviews and clean code
  • Performed tasks in Agile and Scrum Environment
  • Championed best practices in coding standards, design patterns, and testing methodologies to ensure consistent quality across all projects.
  • Developed next generation integration platform for internal applications.
  • Ensured application security by integrating authentication mechanisms like OAuth 2.0 or JWT tokens into server-side APIs.

Software Architect

North American University
05.2015 - 05.2019
  • Implemented and designed new Network Cluster for their infrastructure using Linux environment. Same Cluster design is used by another school district with 10 thousands students in New Orleans.
  • Implemented Student Application Module for new students
  • Maintained Integrations between their existing ERP and LMS (Moodle) by providing API solutions.

Software Developer

UAMS-University Of Arkansas For Medical Science
08.2009 - 06.2015
  • Implemented Trauma Statewide Image Repository used by 82 Arkansan hospitals.
  • Used Java, Dicom Listeners, SQL Server 2008, PHP, Spring MVC Framework, JSP Trauma is centric DICOM/PACS listener tool which MR, CR, X-Ray and Ultrasound modalities scanned DICOM images are pushed into statewide network, converted into JPEGs, stored on disks and accessed online.

Graduate Assistant

Southeastern Louisiana University
10.2007 - 05.2009
  • Developed departmental web page for CEDSAR department.
  • CEDSAR is for search and professional needs of College of Education and Human Development faculty.

Software Developer

10.2006 - 09.2007
  • Developed central logic automation desktop & web applications for digital movies written on Eclipse, J2EE, Oracle, MySQL and Java.
  • Collaborated with project managers to select ambitious, but realistic coding milestones on pre-release software project development

Software Engineer

Asalsoft & Turkcell
10.2005 - 09.2006
  • Turkcell SDPA Otap Adapter Turkcell is the biggest mobile operator in Turkey with 25 million subscribers.
  • Developed Otap Adapter which is web service for WAP-MMS-GPRS operations using Oracle BPEL Process Manager, JDeveloper, Eclipse, Java, J2EE

Software Developer

Turkuaz Computer
10.2003 - 10.2005
  • SIS-School Information System Developed online school simulation used by 550+ schools in Turkey.
  • Utilized ASP.Net, MS SQL Server
  • Gathered and defined customer requirements to develop clear specifications for project plans


Master of Science - Integrated Science and Technology

Southeastern Louisiana University
Hammond, LA
08.2007 - 05.2009

Bachelor of Science - Computer Science

Yeditepe University
Istanbul, Turkey
09.1998 - 06.2003


Java Development

Software Development Lifecycle

Code Evaluation

Spring Framework

Spring Boot

PHP Development

Symfony Php Framework

Oracle Database

Angular Development

React Development

Server-Side Development

Object Oriented Design

Amazon Web Services

Linux Environment


Unit Testing

Spring Boot


SQL Server

MVC Architecture

Mobile Development





LiteMeshApp – A lightweight and scalable mesh networking application designed for efficient peer-to-peer communication. The frontend is built using React, while the backend leverages Java Reactive Spring Framework for high-performance, asynchronous processing. The project also integrates Cursor-AI to enhance automation and decision-making capabilities. Developed with a modular architecture, it ensures reliability, scalability, and adaptability while following Agile development principles.


Senior Java Developer

JP Morgan Chase & Company
08.2019 - Current

Software Architect

North American University
05.2015 - 05.2019

Software Developer

UAMS-University Of Arkansas For Medical Science
08.2009 - 06.2015

Graduate Assistant

Southeastern Louisiana University
10.2007 - 05.2009

Master of Science - Integrated Science and Technology

Southeastern Louisiana University
08.2007 - 05.2009

Software Developer

10.2006 - 09.2007

Software Engineer

Asalsoft & Turkcell
10.2005 - 09.2006

Software Developer

Turkuaz Computer
10.2003 - 10.2005

Bachelor of Science - Computer Science

Yeditepe University
09.1998 - 06.2003
Mehmet Timur SenSenior Software Engineer