I am a dedicated professional nurse with six years of experience in assessing and treating various medical problems among patients. I have also performed duties such as executing nursing care plans and maintaining medical records. I have Med surge, Psych, Rehab, long term care, detox, home health experiences. Looking forward to leveraging the proven experience and skills in your organization. Licensed to practice in many states in the US. States Licenses: Florida Compact: RN 9449093, Hawaii: RN 84451, New York: 878122-01, California: RN 95325764
Pauleus Axenedra 772 267 2108 paxenedra@yahoo.com
Geralda Antenor 772 626 8734 ladygerry01@yahoo.com
Jean Barlatier 772 985 3512 jeanbarlatier@yahoo.com
Pauleus Axenedra 772 267 2108 paxenedra@yahoo.com
Geralda Antenor 772 626 8734 ladygerry01@yahoo.com
Jean Barlatier 772 985 3512 jeanbarlatier@yahoo.com