I am a very diverse and very skilled electrician in all fields, residential, commercial and electrical. I pay attention to every detail and perform all task to the best of my abilities aiming for perfection and settling for nothing less than the best I can do. I enjoy teaching up and comers and working alongside them as it strengthens the team around me and earns their respect and makes them want to do their best work for me. I can perform all task and operate any piece of equipment on any jobsite. I comminicate and create good relationships with my trade partners to avoid any conflicts that may occur. I am always looking far ahead into the project, studying plans, upcoming task and developing a gameplan to complete them as well as ordering and staging materials before I assign an employee to their task. I listen to everyone else's ideas from the greenest helper to the project manager and analysis any ideas the may have and if it makes since to me and sounds like an equal or better way than I am open to trying them. I am willing learn from anyone. I make my rounds and inspect the work being performed multiple times a day to avoid any errors due to miscommunication and ask questions to ensure that each individual has complete comprehension of the task their assigned to. I am always looking to grow and advance in my career.
I have been apart of the largest projects built in the Jacksonville area. I've built 3 Amazon warehouses, GE oil and Gas Facility, Two of the three towers at Mayo Clinic, Shand's Proton Therapy Center, VA Jacksonville, Mob 3 at Baptist South, The Pediatrician Center remodel and service upgrade at Baptist East, Fleet Landing, Vicars landing, Brooks Rehabilitation Center and many others. I have made many advancements in my career and have goals set to continue advancing until there are no higher positions available.