I always try to keep a clean and safe working experience while also trying my best to keep customer satisfaction at a high. Not great with words but I am very blunt. If I see a co-worker having trouble, I'll try my best to help resolve the issue. I always try my best to keep a friendly persona while also everything is running smoothly.
I play video games with a group called Deep Space Syndicate, we play a game called Elite Dangerous and will coordinate between each other to accomplish certain community goals and personal objectives. We have studied the mechanics of the game in order to optimize and streamline the process of achieving our goals. Along with this, I am with another group called The FuelRats. Here, we coordinate with inexperienced players in order to teach them about the mechanics of the game and to rescue the new players when they are far from the rest of the community and are in dangerous situations.
I am a Type One Diabetic. I'd like to say im a 8.5/10 on perception. I can seem nervous and jumpy, but im just looking around. My mind can go blank when being asked new questions, all I need is a few seconds. I do not have a car but, depending on working hours, I will always be early by using the public bus or, also depending on distance, walking/biking. I'm not too social but I always try to be friendly.