Work History
Michelle Doray

Michelle Doray

East Brookfield,Massachusetts


I am a passionate, hardworking, and well-qualified nursing professional with 28 years experience. I have advanced skills in OR, Vascular Access, IV Insertion, Wound Care, Leadership, and Teaching. I am seeking a position as a Vascular Access Nurse, Peripheral IV Nurse, or RN Circulator. Please consider my resume for employment.


years of professional experience

Work History

Perioperative 101 Program

Saint Vincent Hospital
Worcester, MA
10.2022 - 04.2023
  • Completed a Core Curriculum Didactic Coarse
  • Final Exam Score 94%
  • Shadowed practicing RN Circulator in OR setting
  • Participated in all functions & duties of an RN Circulator in OR setting

IV Team

Saint Vincent Hospital
Worcester, MA
09.2021 - 10.2022
  • Insertion & assessment of peripheral IVs for patients in all areas of hospital setting.
  • Assess PICC lines for occlusion & administer Alteplase as needed.
  • Care of Port-A-Caths, including accessing, de-accessing, drawing labs, central line dressing changes, etc.
  • Administration of blood products for patients needing Factor VIII.
  • Assisting RNs as a resource & providing education regarding various peripheral & central lines.

Vascular Access Specialist

New England Life Care
Woburn, MA
06.2021 - 09.2021
  • Insert PICC lines, Midline's, PIV in home care setting.
  • Discontinue lines as needed.
  • Assessment and use of Cathflo for occluded lines.
  • Assist home care RN's with blood draws and blood cultures as needed.
  • Provide education to home care staff regarding proper care and maintenance of lines.
  • Collaborate with interdisciplinary team as needed regarding type of line appropriate for therapy choice and length of therapy.
  • Review X-rays to determine tip location after PICC line insertion.

Vascular Access Nurse

First Response Clinical Services
Hopkinton, MA
06.2019 - 06.2021
  • Insertion of IV, PICC, Midline in hospital setting.
  • Maintenance of lines including removal, occlusion, staff education.
  • Collaborate with interdisciplinary team as needed.
  • Review X-rays to determine PICC location.

Wound Care Coordinator

Vibra Healthcare
Rochdale, MA
04.2014 - 09.2019
  • .Work directly with patients/families in an acute care setting.
  • Evaluate all admissions, recommend a specific treatment plan and a comprehensive plan of care.
  • Re-evaluation of wounds to monitor treatment effectiveness and progress in healing.
  • Work with educator to establish and provide education and in-servicing to current employees pertaining to wound care, skin care prevention, documentation, current policies, etc.
  • Educate all new employees on current policies regarding wound care, skin care prevention plan, documentation, etc.
  • Ongoing collaboration with multidisciplinary team to improve patient care.
  • Work with colleagues on various projects/studies related to performance improvement.
  • Measured wound depth to support treatment methods and monitor healing.
  • Classified wounds using staging system based on visual evaluation of affected tissue.
  • Alerted physician of diagnostic study results and changes in patient condition.
  • Minimized patient skin breakdown by devising and carrying out skin care plan.
  • Coordinated care with charge nurse and other staff through daily communication.
  • Conducted wound assessments for patients and documented information.
  • Helped patients and families feel comfortable during challenging and stressful situations, promoting recovery and reducing compliance issues.
  • Developed and adapted individualized treatment plans according to patient recovery goals.
  • Advocated for patient needs with interdisciplinary team and implemented outlined treatment plans.

Wound Care Registered Nurse

Harrington Healthcare Wound Clinic
Charlton, MA
03.2013 - 04.2014
  • Working as a wound nurse on an office (clinic) setting providing direct care to patients with a variety of different wounds.
  • Provide comprehensive assessments of patients upon initial visit to assist in diagnosis, wound etiology, and formulate treatment plans.
  • Provide direct wound care to patients with wound vac therapy, fistulas, ostomy care.
  • Ongoing assessment of patients wounds during revisits documenting measurements, changes in appearance.
  • Assessment of patients needs for supplies, off-loading, community resources needed, set up services as needed.
  • Ongoing communication with VNA, family regarding changes to treatment plans.
  • Ongoing teaching to patients/caregivers.
  • Orient new staff members.

Treatment Nurse/Registered Nurse

Jewish HealthCare Center
Worcester, MA
02.2006 - 03.2013
  • Working as a treatment nurse on a skilled unit providing direct wound care to patients.
  • Providing care to patients with wound vac therapy, fistulas, ostomy care, and patient teaching.
  • Providing care to patients with surgical wounds, diabetic ulcers, arterial/venous insufficiency related wounds, skin grafts, etc.
  • Care of dialysis patients, G-tube patients, tracheostomy care, Foley catheter care, and suprapubic catheter care.
  • Daily assessment of patients and wounds for progress, decline, and potential risks.
  • Communication with families, physicians, and other disciplines to provide quality care.
  • Complete admission/discharge process, including documentation, assessments, and implementation.
  • Patient/Family teaching.
  • Starting peripheral IV's, performing EKG's as ordered by physicians.
  • CNA supervision and teaching, new staff orientation.

Registered Nurse

Parsons Hill
Worcester, MA
02.2005 - 02.2006
  • Provided skilled care to patients on a 36-bed unit.
  • Administered medications/treatments.
  • Administered IV therapy, central line dressing change, care and access of port-a-cath, lab draw from port-a-cath.
  • Care of G-tube patients, tracheostomy care, Foley catheter care, suprapubic catheter care.
  • Communication with families, physicians, and other disciplines to provide quality care to patients.
  • Supervision, teaching, and evaluation of nursing assistants, as well as maintaining a positive work relationship.
  • Involved in complete admission/discharge process, including documentation, assessments, and implementation.
  • Patient/Family teaching.
  • New staff orientation/teaching

Registered Nurse

New Boston Medical Staffing
Worcester, MA
02.1997 - 02.2005
  • Registered Nurse employed by temp agency to perform field related skills in different medical settings where job assignments would range from daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly. Job settings and skills included:
  • Assignments in long term care to provide direct care to patients including administering meds, performing treatments, IV therapy, documentation, admissions, and discharges.
  • A 6-month assignment at Auburn District Nsg., where I managed a caseload independently. This included use of OASIS, SOC, ROC, discharges, insurance updates, 485's, organizing, scheduling, time mngmt, direct patient care in the home, performing treatments, assessments, phlebotomy, and documentation.
  • A 1-year assignment at UMMHH where I assisted in managing a large caseload and providing direct care to patients in the home, performing treatments, assessments, documentation, SOC, ROC, discharges, and phlebotomy.
  • A brief assignment at Home Care Solutions in Marlboro where I provided direct care to patients in the home.
  • A brief assignment at Critical Care Solutions in Shrewsbury where I provided IV therapy, phlebotomy, central line dsg changes, administered IV meds such as chemo, vanco,and other antibiotics.
  • A 1.5 yr assignment at Certified Nursing Services where I provided direct care to patients in the home, was introduced to OASIS, SOC, ROC, discharges, documentation, communication with families, physicians, and other disciplines.
  • Assignments is skilled care setting to provide skilled nursing care to patients.
  • Assignments in acute care settings to provide post-op care to patients.
  • Assignments in several different physicians offices such as Fallon Clinic in Auburn, Millbury, and May Sty. in Worcester, and UMASS Medical Group in Spencer and Shrewsbury. There my skills included patient assessments, triage patient calls, treatments, and phlebotomy.
  • Assignments to substitute in different schools such as Paxton Center School, Wachusett Regional High School, Chapin St. School, and Seven Hills Charter School.
  • Assignment at Astra Pharmaceuticals where I performed occupational nursing. Here I maintained, organized, and updated employee records, in-serviced employees, and treated on the job injuries.

Registered Nurse

Meadows of Leicester
Leicester, MA
02.1995 - 02.1997
  • Provided skilled nursing care to patients on a 20-bed skilled unit.
  • Performed assessments, administered med's, treatments, implemented MD orders.
  • Collaborate with other disciplines, provide comprehensive nsg documentation to support care, supervise nursing assistants,
  • Communicate with families and physicians.
  • Skills obtained: IV therapy, knowledge of wound management, central lines, Foley catheter care, chronic and acute pain management, peritoneal dialysis.


PERIOP 101: A Core Curriculum Didactic OR Coarse -

Worcester, MA

PICC And Midline Insertion Coarse -

PICC Resource Associates, LLC
Shelton, CT

WCC - Certificate # 12061209

Boston, MA

Associate of Science - RN # 214872

Becker College
Worcester, MA


  • PICC/Midline Insertion
  • Peripheral IV Insertion
  • Advanced Wound Care Experience
  • Ostomy Care/Teaching
  • RN Circulator


Perioperative 101 Program

Saint Vincent Hospital
10.2022 - 04.2023

IV Team

Saint Vincent Hospital
09.2021 - 10.2022

Vascular Access Specialist

New England Life Care
06.2021 - 09.2021

Vascular Access Nurse

First Response Clinical Services
06.2019 - 06.2021

Wound Care Coordinator

Vibra Healthcare
04.2014 - 09.2019

Wound Care Registered Nurse

Harrington Healthcare Wound Clinic
03.2013 - 04.2014

Treatment Nurse/Registered Nurse

Jewish HealthCare Center
02.2006 - 03.2013

Registered Nurse

Parsons Hill
02.2005 - 02.2006

Registered Nurse

New Boston Medical Staffing
02.1997 - 02.2005

Registered Nurse

Meadows of Leicester
02.1995 - 02.1997

PERIOP 101: A Core Curriculum Didactic OR Coarse -


PICC And Midline Insertion Coarse -

PICC Resource Associates, LLC

WCC - Certificate # 12061209


Associate of Science - RN # 214872

Becker College
Michelle Doray