I have 45 years of working experience be it working for someone or running small business. I have managed up to 15 to 20 employees at a given time. My skills in customer service for over 30 years help to make me a great patient caretaker and advocate. I have worked as an employee and an employer which gives me insight into what it takes to make an organization successful at its services and financial endeavors.
My work ethic is unimpeachable, I am dedicated to life-learning and doing a great job for my employer, being a team player co-worker and providing caring, compassionate service to our patients.
I am excited to work in the field of nursing and would like to do all I can to advance my knowledge and skills in the career of nursing.
Manage and produce wholesale meat products for local and Austin area restaurants.
My day to day responsibilities include:
HR management- hiring and firing, payroll, and employee development.
Accounting- Accounts Receivables, Payable, Profit and Loss Statements, Banking,
Marketing, Sales
Customer Service
Meat Production and procurement
Product development
Projection of future sales and profits to plan for future growth.
Maintenance and upkeep of building
Developed a second business of commercial cold storage in 2002.
We built the program from the ground up, owned and operated it along side of Putt O'Brien Meat,LLC for 20 years.
In 2020 we sold the cold storage business.