A highly accomplished educator prepared for demands of project leadership, curriculum development and writing editing through 25+ years of teaching English and other subjects. Demonstrates expertise in:
- developing and implementing multiple large-scale projects with strong measurable results
- developing highly successful curriculums based on student need within the parameters of state standards
- writing with multiple years of students scoring in the top 5% of the state in writing on Kentucky's State Assessment by helping writers maintain a clear focus on achieving their purpose through strategic application of language that connects to their audience.
2023 Red Oak Teacher of the Year
Jessamine County Team Lead (11 years)
Top Growth Numbers (State Assessment) 20+ years
Top 10 in Kentucky on State Assessment in Writing, Practical Living, and Reading (multiple years)
Raised Writing Scores on State Assessment 26% in one year and maintained scores throughout tenure in writing instruction
K-12 Teaching Certification
English Certification
National Board Teacher Certification
National Board Teacher Certification