Work History
Work Availability
Raquel N. Pérez

Raquel N. Pérez

SP Educator-Faculty


Dedicated Clinical Instructor looking to secure position as Standardized Patient Educator. Organized and motivated with dedication to teaching. Passionate about advances, trends and techniques applicable to standardized patient methodologies. Focused on exercising knowledge and experience gained from over 16 years of experience working as Standardized Patient and Director of 2 SP programs. Sufficient knowledge of professional interpersonal skills, diagnostic concepts, policies and practices. Patient, understanding and supportive.


years of professional experience

Work History

Clinical Instructor, Standardized Patient Specialist

Temple University, School Of Podiatric Medicine
12.2012 - Current
  • Experiential Learning Coordinator
  • Course director, Fundamentals of Podiatric Medicine year II- diversity and patient inclusion
  • Formulation of curriculum for the use of Telemedicine in podiatric practice
  • Recruiting, training and general management of standardized patient employees
  • Interviewing and recommending standardized patient candidates for hire
  • Writing medical case studies for student practice and OSCE type testing
  • Co-authoring first and second year curriculum and class schedule
  • Lecture and workshop creation, organization and execution
  • Review of student performance, one on one meetings for feedback and remediation of students
  • Full administration of standardized patient program
  • Faculty education and training with standardized patient methodology
  • Primary lead in the expansion of the program, directing the creation of specialized facilities and leading decisions in support and facility needs
  • Twice commended for the pioneering establishment of and continued implementation of a comprehensive Standardized Patient curricula in Podiatry from the Council on Podiatric Medical Education.
  • Conducted clinical simulations and provided feedback for each individual student.
  • Worked with department heads, staff and faculty to develop engaging curriculum and advance instruction for nursing programs.
  • Instructed and coached students to help overcome academic issues and personal challenges.
  • Delivered individualized instruction on observation, assessment, decision-making and patient health teaching.
  • Improved student performance by defining clear goals and communicating performance metrics.
  • Updated instructional materials, ordered equipment and supplies and utilized various learning modalities to enhance instruction.
  • Provided educational lectures and facilitated discussions on weekly basis.
  • Implemented new educational techniques to boost student comprehension while reducing learning time.
  • Provided immediate and constructive feedback to students individually and as group.

Teaching Assistant

Temple University College of Liberal Arts
08.2017 - 05.2022

Introduction to Sociology

Sociology of Self

Research Methods & Design

Introduction to Sociology

Sociology of Self

Quantitative Measures in the Social Sciences

The History and Significance of Race in America

Ethnicity and the Immigrant Experience in the U.S

  • Responsible for grading assignments, class participation, and exams
  • Designing and maintaining individual course sections via Blackboard and Canvas academic web suites
  • Provided students with one-on-one tutoring and regular out of class assistance
  • Responsible for directing and instructing in workshops
  • Supervised & advised on ethnographic research assignments
  • Ran workshops, instructed students in use of IBM SPSS software and data analysis.
  • Handled class records for attendance, assignment grades and course participation scores.
  • Tutored struggling students individually and in small groups to reinforce learning concepts.
  • Shared important information with students concerning upcoming assignments and tests.
  • Studied and implemented latest information on specific subjects and learning strategies.
  • Supported classroom activities, tutoring, and reviewing work.
  • Taught courses under guidance of senior instructors.
  • Worked with teacher to optimize learning plans based on student test grades and evaluations.
  • Helped with grading assignments and tests, providing constructive feedback to students based on results.
  • Assisted in maintaining engaging and respectful educational environment by promoting discipline and cooperation.
  • Partnered with teacher to plan and implement lessons following school's curriculum, goals, and objectives.
  • Copied, organized and distributed classroom assignments or other paperwork.
  • Mentored and tutored individual students needing additional help.
  • Facilitated activities in small groups to reinforce concepts taught by class teacher.

Standardized Patient/Patient Instructor/Special Programs Coordinator

Temple University School of Medicine
Philadelphia, PA
12.2006 - 06.2013
  • Per diem employee acting as a Standardized Patient/Patient Instructor and special programs coordinator
  • Organized and oversaw projects involving Temple’s satellite programs
  • I.e
  • Simulation activities for the schools of Podiatry, Pharmacy, Nursing, Social Work etc
  • Studied specific medical cases performed for Temple’s First, Second and Third year students
  • Learned basic medical procedures for the purpose of teaching examination techniques
  • Instructed students in basic diagnostic procedures using my own body as a live model and trained Patient Instructors to do so
  • Provided non-judgmental, objective feedback to students from a patient’s perspective
  • Trained fellow Standardized Patients/Patient Instructors
  • Provided observations and feedback to fellow Standardized Patients/Patient Instructors
  • Proctored first and second year OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examinations) prep and third year OSCE
  • Used specified PDA record keeping for OSCE fist year prep, Second and third year exams
  • Entering, editing and confirming OSCE scoring and record keeping.
  • Monitored student progress and implemented intervention strategies to support student success.

Standardized Patient Program Educator

Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine
09.2010 - 05.2011
  • Established the Standardized Patient Program in a new medical school
  • Acted as liaison between Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine and Carilion Clinic Center for Experiential Learning
  • Determined the medical equipment needs of the Program and Curricula
  • Established relationships with medical equipment distributers
  • Responsible for ordering, maintaining inventory and general maintenance of equipment and medical simulation task trainers
  • Directed B-line hardware installation requirements and software implementation
  • Established application process, database creation and maintenance of Standardized Patient candidates
  • Organized and Maintained applications, contracts of active employees
  • Recruited, hired and established system for payment of Standardized Patients
  • Responsible for centralized record filing:
  • Clinical Sciences learning domain lecture materials
  • Materials pertaining to teaching/learning goals, learning and testing, cases and events
  • Managed video recordings, faculty/student/standardized patient feedback, meeting agendas and notes
  • Created Standardized Patient case and documentation checklists
  • Designed events to meet instructional goals for use in both learning and testing environments
  • Trained Standardized Patients in patient portrayal and basic physical exam in all major body systems
  • Organized, coordinated and executed all learning and testing events with Standardized Patients
  • On site coordinator of all practical exercises for the Clinical Sciences learning domain and all Clinical Sciences grading sessions with physician faculty
  • Organized and supervised large and small group activities.
  • Assessed student progress and provided feedback on educational development.
  • Modeled positive behavior and communication skills for students.


Master of Arts - Sociology

Temple University, College of Liberal Arts
Philadelphia, PA

Bachelor of Arts - Communications

Temple University, Klein College of Media And Communication
Philadelphia, PA


  • Attended US Department of Health & Human Services Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality TeamSTEPPS: National Implementation master trainer class
  • Trained in B-line brand Clinical Skills software
  • Trained in CAE brand LearningSpace Software
  • Proficient wth IBM SPSS Statistical Software
  • Proficient with Atlasti Qualitative Data Analysis tools
  • Knowledge of medical terminology, basic non-invasive diagnostic equipment and physical examination techniques throughout body systems
  • Patient Interviewing Skills
  • Medical History Documentation
  • Educate Patients
  • Organization and Time Management
  • Reliability and Dedication
  • Assessment and Evaluation
  • Curriculum Development
  • Managing Student Schedules
  • Supervising Students
  • Operating Simulation Equipment
  • Schedule Management
  • Clinical Instruction
  • Course Objective Implementation
  • Standardized Testing
  • Student Support
  • Behavior Modification
  • Course Lectures
  • Evaluating Student Performance


Native or Bilingual

Work Availability

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Teaching Assistant

Temple University College of Liberal Arts
08.2017 - 05.2022

Clinical Instructor, Standardized Patient Specialist

Temple University, School Of Podiatric Medicine
12.2012 - Current

Standardized Patient Program Educator

Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine
09.2010 - 05.2011

Standardized Patient/Patient Instructor/Special Programs Coordinator

Temple University School of Medicine
12.2006 - 06.2013

Master of Arts - Sociology

Temple University, College of Liberal Arts

Bachelor of Arts - Communications

Temple University, Klein College of Media And Communication
Raquel N. PérezSP Educator-Faculty