Work History
Community Service

Rebekah Pinkerton

Coeur d’Alene,ID


Passionate about knowing YHWY more each day and connecting people of all ages with JESUS - the One True Healer. Deeply desirous to grow in biblical discipleship, sharing the Gospel of Jesus through all of life - especially horses, and praying His Kingdom come into every situation. Willing to serve in any capacity, and specifically praying for opportunities to grow in natural horsemanship skills and horse training.


years of professional experience

Work History

Drug Rehab Facilitator "House Mom"

Good Samaritan Drug Rehabilitation Ranch
10.2020 - Current
  • Building rapport with clients from diverse backgrounds by demonstrating empathy, active listening skills and proactive engagement
  • Exercising attentiveness in monitoring clients' needs, communicating with management, and supporting each client in their program implementation
  • Maintaining a firm yet grace-filled approach in enforcing house rules, holding boundaries, dealing with conflict, and speaking the truth in love
  • Fostering a safe, loving environment for each client to share the burdens on their heart and receive courage and hope through prayer and God's Word
  • Leading house Bible studies, times in worship and prayer, and actively engaging in spiritual warfare praying with and over each woman, the house, and the property
  • Adapting to changing schedules and needs, working night shifts, and on occasion getting up in the middle of the night to pray with women who are struggling

Table Server for Romantic Night at Museum

Idaho Wildlife Museum
04.2017 - 12.2021
  • Company Overview:
  • Serving 8 guests a four-course candlelit opera theatre dinner

Equine Assistant

Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch
03.2019 - 12.2019
  • Assisting Equine Coordinator with horse care and related maintenance, riding and training horses, horse evaluations, equine volunteer training, basic vetting, etc
  • Leading sessions with children from various backgrounds
  • Assisting Equine Coordinator in various managerial tasks, such as data input, protocol implementation, supply inventory, equine communications, etc.


Pinkerton Retirement Specialists, LLC
10.2015 - 03.2018
  • Typing and editing transcriptions from client meetings
  • Managing paperwork and data entry

Ranch Hand/Manager/Administrative Assistant

Rockford Bay Ranch
03.2015 - 03.2018
  • Responsible for organizing and delegating all of the animal care responsibilities on our family ranch, relating to horses and alpacas
  • Managing and conducting all sales and professional communications for the family alpaca business
  • Monitoring herd health and maintaining accurate records
  • Conducting ranch tours and giving pony rides


Associate of Arts - Elementary Education Integrated Studies

Liberty University Online

High School Diploma -

Christian Heritage Academy
Coeur d’Alene, Idaho


  • Motivated and eager to learn
  • Experience walking with people of all ages and walks of life to Jesus
  • Grew up handling and training
    various livestock, including
    alpacas and horses
  • Compassionate listening skills
  • Motivated and eager to learn
  • Administrative, sales, and record
    keeping experience
  • Social Perceptiveness
  • Conflict Resolution/Mediation skills
  • Adaptability and Flexibility

Community Service

  • Grace Bible Church, Coeur d’Alene, ID, 01/01/99, Present, Active Member, Working in numerous community projects, cantatas, plays, dinners, and functions.
  • Good Samaritan Rehabilitation Ranch, 01/01/08 - Present, Host, Semi-annually hosting as a family the ladies that we sponsor each month through the Good Samaritan program and encouraging them in character development.
  • One-on-one meetings with woman in need of encouragement, using prayer ministry skills to lead them to Jesus for emotional healing and spiritual freedom


  • Prayer Ministry - Deeper Walk School of Ministry - Graduated December 2023


  • Competed at the National Spelling Bee in Washington D.C. in 2011 as the North Idaho Regional Spelling Bee Champion
  • 2016 Silver and Bronze Medalist in the 1600m and 3200m track Regionals, and competed in 1600m at State Championships for Coeur d’Alene Charter Academy.
  • Regional Champion X-Country Running team member for Cd’A Charter Academy, and competed in State Championships in 2013.
  • Maximum Typing Speed is 118 words per minute without errors.


Drug Rehab Facilitator "House Mom"

Good Samaritan Drug Rehabilitation Ranch
10.2020 - Current

Equine Assistant

Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch
03.2019 - 12.2019

Table Server for Romantic Night at Museum

Idaho Wildlife Museum
04.2017 - 12.2021


Pinkerton Retirement Specialists, LLC
10.2015 - 03.2018

Ranch Hand/Manager/Administrative Assistant

Rockford Bay Ranch
03.2015 - 03.2018

High School Diploma -

Christian Heritage Academy
  • Prayer Ministry - Deeper Walk School of Ministry - Graduated December 2023

Associate of Arts - Elementary Education Integrated Studies

Liberty University Online
Rebekah Pinkerton