Work History
Rev. Jami D. Boyle

Rev. Jami D. Boyle

Ordained Minister of UCC
New Boston,NH


Spiritual leader with sixteen years experience in worship planning, pastoral care and religious teaching. Committed to creating a thriving spiritual community and guiding individuals to be transformed by the gospel. Accomplished in helping community members strengthen relationships with God through deep listening and facilitating relationships with others.



Years of ecclesiastical experience


Interim Certification


Mediation Certification

Work History

Associate Minister of Congregational Care

First Church Nashua, United Church Of Christ
2017.06 - 2023.05
  • Enhanced congregation engagement by incorporating relatable stories into sermons.
  • Assisted senior minister in developing community outreach programs.
  • Conducted regular women's spirituality study sessions to deepen congregants understanding of their faith journey and history of Christianity.
  • Provided pastoral care for congregation members, fostering a supportive and compassionate environment.
  • Collaborated with ministry team to plan and execute special events such as retreats and workshops, enriching the spiritual lives of participants.
  • Conducted funerals and memorial services with dignity and compassion while providing solace to grieving family members.
  • Provided spiritual care through visitation, counseling, and prayer.

Senior Pastor

Bethany Chapel, United Church Of Christ
2013.02 - 2017.04
  • Elevated congregation engagement by developing thought-provoking sermons and promoting open discussions.
  • Enhanced spiritual growth for church members through regular pastoral counseling sessions and personalized guidance.
  • Led worship services on a weekly basis, fostering an atmosphere of spiritual reflection and connection for congregants.
  • Managed church staff effectively, providing clear direction and support while maintaining accountability for performance outcomes.
  • Provided spiritual care through visitation, counseling, and prayer.
  • Officiated special services such as weddings, funerals, baptisms, and nursing home services.
  • Oversaw administration and management of all areas of ministry.

Bridge Minister

United Parish of Lunenburg
Lunenburg , MA
2011.01 - 2011.07

While still in seminary, pursuing an MDiv degree, I was contacted by the Massachusetts Conference/UCC to work with UPL for six months as their Bridge Minister. It was a wonderful opportunity. By that time I had more ecclesiastical experience and was able to lead this church with more assurance.

I led weekly worship services, working closely with the Director of Music. Together we crafted meaningful, contemporary worship experiences.

Pastoral care was provided to many parishioners. I also used my interpersonal communication skills to help members prepare for a new settled pastor.

This church community was mature and grounded in the gospel which made for a smooth transition. It was a delight to serve and learn with everyone.

Acting Pastor

Harrisville Community Chuch
Harrisville, NH , NH
2004.02 - 2005.01

I accepted the position of Acting Pastor with the understanding that mentorship with the NHCUCC was essential. At the time I was not ordained though I did have a degree from Andover Newton Theological School I worked closely with Revs Dawn Garret Larsen and Bill Beardsley for 1 year. After my three month probation it was decided that I would return to seminary to pursue an MDiv after serving this church for one year

I led this church in weekly worship services, provided pastoral calls, special services, funerals and regularly attended church committee meetings with an open heart. As I led with my eyes wide open this loving community embraced me, teaching me much about how to lead a church community.

The Conference allowed this unusual situation because of my background in conflict resolution which would come to serve this church greatly.


MDiv\UCC - Master of Divinity

Andover Newton Theological School
Newton Center, MA

Master of Arts - Interfaith Traditions And Healing Arts

Andover Newton Theological School
Newton Center, MA

Bachelor of Arts - Interpersonal Communication Minor in Deaf Studies

University of New Hampshire
Durham, NH


  • Small Group Facilitation
  • Grief support
  • Pastoral Care
  • Interfaith dialogue
  • Crisis Management
  • Written Communication
  • Relationship Building
  • Teaching


  • Certificate of Training from the Interim Ministry Network: Work of the Leader and Work of the Congregation - 2012 and 2013
  • Certified as a Blue Ribbon Mediator for the US Postal Service, REDRESS/USPS - 1995


Associate Minister of Congregational Care

First Church Nashua, United Church Of Christ
2017.06 - 2023.05

Senior Pastor

Bethany Chapel, United Church Of Christ
2013.02 - 2017.04

Bridge Minister

United Parish of Lunenburg
2011.01 - 2011.07

Acting Pastor

Harrisville Community Chuch
2004.02 - 2005.01
  • Certificate of Training from the Interim Ministry Network: Work of the Leader and Work of the Congregation - 2012 and 2013

MDiv\UCC - Master of Divinity

Andover Newton Theological School

Master of Arts - Interfaith Traditions And Healing Arts

Andover Newton Theological School

Bachelor of Arts - Interpersonal Communication Minor in Deaf Studies

University of New Hampshire
Rev. Jami D. BoyleOrdained Minister of UCC