Experienced Chaplain bringing 24 years' success in spiritual leadership to growing church. Adept in building integrated long-term plans guiding ministries in educational and spiritual formation. Ready to bring expertise in organizational management, program administration and community outreach to growing church. Passionate Pastor successful in providing Christian education and leadership to 100 plus members within community. Successful in creating inspiring environments and encouraging individuals to grow and strengthen personal faith.
Experienced Neogtiator looking to apply knowledge and abilities to make positive impact on Community response times and patient care. Organized, attentive and motivated to strengthen structures, improve program quality and control costs in order to maximize service outreach. Proficient in contributing to committees overseeing all aspects of trauma handling, disaster response and crisis management. Passionate Organizer with People Reaching Others Ministry for 2 years of diverse experience energizing marginalized citizens to become productive society members. Creative problem-solver with proven success at fixing broken social systems and enabling long-lasting community changes. Relentless advocate for social change with focus on equipping community members to manage and perpetuate improvements.