Experienced, dedicated and hard-working manager seeking an opportunity to use organizational skills and attention to detail to benefit a family focused business.
Multitasking Abilities
Hazardous material handling, 120 hours; Drug/Alcohol Prevention, 320 hours; Sexual Harassment, 120 hours; Equal Opportunity, 120 hours; Safety, 90 hours; Operational Risk Management, 30 hours; Drug/Alcohol Prevention, 320 hours; Instructor, 140 hours; Suicide Prevention, 120 hours; Curriculum Development, 80 hours; Informational Assurance, 30 hours
Derric Sebastiani, Royal Crest/Branch Mgr, dsebastiani@royalcrestdairy.com, 719-243-2389
Mike Ludeman, Coaching, bigmlude@yahoo.com, 719-650-1753
Sherene DuBois, sherene@thegatekeeper.org, 805-432-9116
Scott Smith, Sxossmith224@yahoo.com, 719-359-6646