Skilled Maintenance Technician adept at interpreting blueprints, developing schedules and overseeing team operations. Well-versed in managing workflow and delegating tasks to meet objectives. Offering 8 years of repair and maintenance expertise with proven history or hard work and dependability. Ability to run crews if needed from being Lead Mechanic and Supervisor on multiple customer A/C.
Lead Mechanic and Supervisor experience on multiple A/C for multiple customers including talking with reps, MCC and part suppliers.
767 Engine Run and Taxi Qualification.
757 Engine Run and Taxi Qualification.
Acquired A&P License in March of 2020.
Acquired Airframe Repairman's license prior to A&P.
Ability to travel when needed to other outbase/locations.
767 Gen Fam
757 Gen Fam
737NG Gen Fam
A318-21 Gen Fam
A330 Gen Fam
RII/ Designated Inspector for Company
A&P Mechanic license
LLM Authorizations
ETOPS Authorizations
RII Authorizations
EASA Supplement
TCCA Supplement
A&P Mechanic license
LLM Authorizations
ETOPS Authorizations
RII Authorizations
EASA Supplement
TCCA Supplement