INSTITUTE FOR HEALTH PROFESSIONS AT CAMBRIA HEIGHTS, Created the master schedule, teacher, and student schedules for six school years for a school with 36 teachers and 470 students in consultation with Administration based on our Vision, CEP, and new programs and initiatives., Authored and won three competitive grants totaling $141,296 for classroom furniture, technology, supplies, and funding for partnerships to enhance our arts programming for SWDs and ELLs., Designed and conducted over 30 impactful professional development sessions highlighting the integration of technology and artificial intelligence in, and out of, the classroom., Devised and implemented systems for reimaging computers, computer repair requests, and distribution of over 1,850 pieces of technology., Led the Sapphire House team in over 80 bimonthly meetings that engaged in planning house-wide events, data driven instruction, and investigations into best instructional practices for the students in our house., Audited transcripts with the Guidance department and Administration to ensure students are on track to receive the credits they need to graduate on time., Reconciled student schedules throughout the year based on student's needs, mid-year changes to the master schedule, and updated guidance from district offices., Coordinated the registering, administering, and scheduling students for state examinations, PSATs, SATs, PBATs, screeners and field tests.