Focused student with experience in providing satisfactory customer service, maintaining a clean and sanitary work space, and managing fast paced environments which require multitasking.
Strongly capable of following directions efficiently and adhering to work protocols.
Strong knowledge of food safety procedures as well as standard sanitation.
Experience as a body piercer and tattooist as a side job/hobby.
Not easily rattled or squeamish.
Enthusiastic about providing a safe and comfortable experience for customers and/or clients at all times.
Articulate, personable, patient, and friendly.
Customer Service
Member of prestigious Troubadours acapella group of Clarkstown South High School.
Performs at various open mics, community events, and charities.
Sang the Star Spangled Banner at Clarkstown Elects Swearing-In Ceremony (Rockland County Courthouse, Jan. 4th, 2024)
Played character Marty Maraschino in High School production of Grease. Sang solo number "Freddy My Love" (2023)
Passionate and skilled guitarist with sound technology experience.