Work History
Sara Bachtel

Sara Bachtel



With a robust background at Cornerstone Christian Academy and Wesleyan School, I excel in fostering educational and spiritual growth for elementary and middle school aged students.


years of professional experience
years of post-secondary education

Work History

5th Grade English, Bible, and Drama Teacher

Cornerstone Christian Academy
08.2019 - Current
  • Delivers instruction in language arts encompassing reading, grammar, vocabulary, composition, and literature, working with teachers in other subjects to integrate skills across curriculum
  • Enhances student comprehension by incorporating visual aids and hands-on activities in lessons
  • Implements effective classroom management techniques to provide a safe, calm learning environment
  • Integrates Bible into English lessons and discussions
  • Conferences with students' parents twice a year to discuss educational, social, and emotional growth of their child
  • Encourages spiritual growth through developing lessons, projects, and reflections on Old Testament stories, so students can better understand how these stories fit into larger narrative of the Bible
  • Models creative acting styles and techniques encompassing varied history genres and performance techniques
  • Writes and secures scripts for chapel performances done by 5th and 6th grade drama elective
  • Shares Biblical truths during school chapel

Fine Arts Apprentice

Cornerstone Christian Academy
08.2019 - Current
  • Holds auditions and helps cast middle school fall musical and elementary spring musical
  • Aids choreographer during dance instruction
  • Takes extensive notes regarding musical cues and runs music and sound effects during rehearsals and performances

Cross Country Coach

Cornerstone Christian Academy
08.2024 - 10.2024
  • Served as mentor and role model for young athletes, instilling in them values of hard work, dedication, and perseverance in reaching their full potential
  • Led devotions before practice to connect students' performances as athletes to their personal faith and Biblical truths

Service Coordinator

Cornerstone Christian Academy
08.2021 - 05.2023
  • Coordinated and monitored service activities for middle school
  • Created a schedule for fall and spring service days, organized bus transportation for off-site service, secured a relevant speaker, planned in-house activities for organizations like the Ronald McDonald House, and led debrief discussions

Faculty Fellow

Wesleyan School
08.2018 - 05.2019

Fist Grade Teacher:

  • Learned under a master teacher in first grade classroom and co-taught math, phonics, reading, social studies, and grammar
  • Enhanced classroom management techniques, resulting in more focused and productive learning environment
  • Participated in professional development class with other fellows and first year teachers, completed weekly assignments, and one-on-one meetings with master teacher

High School Theatre Director and Assistant Director

  • Served as assistant director for two musicals, The Addams Family and Chess
  • Served as lead director for the spring play, Fools, by Neil Simon
  • Duties included: auditions, casting, blocking, set design, acting instruction, and creating a director's concept and note in playbill

Prayer, 10/40 (missions), and Outreach Intern

UGA Wesley Foundation
07.2016 - 05.2018
  • Discipled six to eight students each year to support their spiritual growth and discuss Bible study curriculum (2016-2018)
  • Led a ministry area that prepared and equipped students to serve in a mentorship program for under-served communities (2016-2017)
  • Partnered with Cafe10/40 to lead a missions small group once a week for a year (2017-2018)
  • Led a prayer small group for student leaders once a week, taking them through curriculum on prayer and practicing it together (2017-2018)
  • Led a mission trip to Los Angeles (spring 2017) and Kansas City (spring 2018) and participated in a mission trip to Colorado (summer 2018) to help under-served communities with basic needs, prayer, tutoring, and vacation Bible school camps


Bachelor of Science - Human Development And Family Sciences

University of Georgia
Athens, GA
01.2013 - 12.2016


Biblical integration



Cross Country Coach

Cornerstone Christian Academy
08.2024 - 10.2024

Service Coordinator

Cornerstone Christian Academy
08.2021 - 05.2023

5th Grade English, Bible, and Drama Teacher

Cornerstone Christian Academy
08.2019 - Current

Fine Arts Apprentice

Cornerstone Christian Academy
08.2019 - Current

Faculty Fellow

Wesleyan School
08.2018 - 05.2019

Prayer, 10/40 (missions), and Outreach Intern

UGA Wesley Foundation
07.2016 - 05.2018

Bachelor of Science - Human Development And Family Sciences

University of Georgia
01.2013 - 12.2016
Sara BachtelTeacher