Canyon High School in (Spring 2021)
- Provided initial evaluation to student athletes under direct supervision of preceptor.
- Assisted in preparation of mass physicals for incoming and retuning student athletes.
- Observed and assisted preceptor in conversations with parents regarding injures/status of injures of student-athletes.
Texas State University Women’s Soccer (Fall 2020)
- Assisted in creating and leading pre-game warm-up protocol.
- Conducted concussion testing both on-field and off-field using SCAT 5 while being supervised by preceptor.
- Lead in controlling the flow of the athletic training room during rehabilitation and treatment hours.
Texas State University Men’s Basketball (Spring 2020)
- Assisted in creating at-home rehabilitation plans during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Learned how to navigate rehabilitation with student athletes via zoom with oversight from preceptor.
- Improved manual therapy skills with the use of IASTM tools, Hivamat and myofascial techniques to aid in the recovery of student athletes.
Texas State University Track and Field and Cross Country (Fall 2019)
- Aided in pre and post practice treatments of student athletes.
- Assisted in creating EAP for track and field facility and was put in charge of making sure emergency equipment is functioning properly.
- Collaborated with staff athletic trainer in preparing and packing essential equipment for meets.
Texas State University Women’s Volleyball (Spring 2019)
- Observed off-season team practices and lifts and assisted in creating personalized maintenance plans for student athletes.
- Assisted staff athletic trainer with practice set-up and observing practices.
- Enhanced administrative skills by logging treatment/rehabilitation session into the electronic medical records database.
Texas State University Football (Fall 2018)
- Directly observed and assisted in post-surgical rehabilitation- specifically ACL reconstruction and SLAP lesion.
- Gained knowledge and experience regarding heat-related illness and was able to educate student athletes on the importance of proper hydration and nutrition.
- Assisted staff athletic trainers in pre-practice/pre-game taping, bracing and field set-up.