Over 20 years administrative experience, retired military veteran, looking to continue career as a Part-Time Sales Associate at Kohls. Decades of experience in customer service and clerical duties. Great at prioritizing tasks, attention to detail, and optimizing workflow.
Full-time student that completed classes for Health Information Technology Associates degree.
2020: Civilian of the Quarter, 633rd Inpatient Squadron, Langley AFB, Virginia
2015: Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO) of the Quarter, 192nd Support Squadron, Langley AFB, Virginia
2011-2014: Deans list, DeVry University, Chesapeake, Virginia
2004: NCO of the Quarter, 35th Medical Support Squadron, Misawa AB, Japan
2005-2020: Volunteered at Liberty Baptist Church in Hampton, Virginia in different capacities such as Acts of Love phone registry, greeting, welcome tent, church library, serving food at women's shelter, Kidsville nursery, helping children with climbing wall at fall festival, delivering food at Thanksgiving, and handing out flyers in neighborhood for Easter service.
2018: Helped decorate for the Women's Bible Fellowship in Hampton, Virginia each month.
2011: Aided and listened to second graders read books 2 times a week at Jenkins Elementary School, Newport News, Virginia.
2003: Key organizer of holiday party arranged for local orphanage; many gifts distributed to 70 sheltered children in Misawa, Japan.
2002-2004: Helped sell items at booths for 4 Bazaars on Misawa AB, Japan. Raising over $3,000 for unit booster club.
2000: Provided Meals on Wheels to people in Fort Walton Beach, Florida.
1) Maj Elena Amspacher, Past Supervisor, 757-470-0588
2) Capt Jessica Shealey, Past Supervisor, 707-330-3365
3) Edna Vanek, Coworker, 650-302-5384