Enthusiastic and detail-oriented Health Care Data Analyst with a strong passion for leveraging data to improve healthcare outcomes. Experienced in working on projects involving machine learning and natural language processing to analyze and interpret complex healthcare data.
Languages :Python,SQL,R,HTML,CSS
Frameworks : Pandas,numpy,pytorch,scikit- learn,Matplotib
Tools : Powerbi,Excel,powerpoint,MySQL
Platforms :Pycharm,Jupyter notebook,Visual studio code,spyder notebook
Predictive Modeling for Autism Spectrum Disorder Sep2023-Oct2023
Homicide Data Analysis Oct2023-Nov2023
Machine Learning Project: Predicting Diabetes Status Nov2023-Dec2023
Predicting Significant Variables for Diabetes Nov2023-Dec2023
BERT-based Text Classification Project Jan2024-March2024
Predicting Drug-Target Interactions Using Language Models Jan2024-May2024
Predictive Model for Alzheimer’s Disease Jan2024-Feb2024
Text Classifier Development for NLP Jan2024-Feb2024