Work History
Editorial experience
Professional memberships
Awards and grants

Sharon Inch



Experienced scientist with a strong background in research and analysis. Proficient in experimental design, data analysis, and interpretation across various scientific disciplines. Demonstrated ability to contribute to impactful research projects and collaborate effectively with interdisciplinary teams.


years of professional experience

Work History

Associated-Director, Controlled Environment & Agronomy

Elo Life Systems
11.2022 - Current
  • Developed and implemented comprehensive strategies to improve operational processes and organizational efficiency.
  • Developed database structure to accommodate user requirements.
  • Monitored database performance and provided troubleshooting for any issues or errors encountered.
  • Provide updates to key stakeholders, such as Dole and other industry partners.
  • Contribute and attend meetings to discuss gene editing strategy.
  • Administer of the Elo database system and develop PostgreSQL code to help people manage and pull data from the system.
  • APHIS containment officer and permit holder
  • Manage 3 direct reports and oversee greenhouse and controlled environment operations

Manager, Controlled Environment Agriculture

Elo Life Systems
11.2019 - 11.2022
  • Implemented a database, barcoding, and tracking systems for all plant material in chambers and greenhouses.
  • Oversee and accountable for all plant material in the greenhouse and chambers.
  • Established the APHIS contaminant facility and generated facilities SOPs
  • Obtained pathogens from collaborators, ATCC, and ARS culture collections.
  • Responsible for the maintenance, storage, and tracking of plant pathogens.
  • Develop high-throughput, growth cabinet, and greenhouse disease assays for the evaluation of Fusarium wilt-resistant bananas.
  • Biosafety officer for the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) and responsible for protocols to prevent the release of genetically transformed plant material.
  • Developed and implemented pest management programs for control of disease and insect pests in growth cabinets and greenhouse.
  • Manage 1 direct report and oversee greenhouse and controlled environment operations (2000 sq ft of greenhouse space, 7 walk-in conviron units, and 8 tissue culture chambers).

Manager and Research Scientist II

11.2014 - 10.2019
  • Manage 2 direct reports and oversee greenhouse/controlled environment operations (includes maintenance and optimization)
  • Developed over 20 in-vitro and greenhouse disease assays for the evaluation of existing and novel biocontrol agents
  • Conduct in-planta evaluation of microbial based bio-fungicides (involves inoculum production, application, disease evaluation, statistical analysis, and generation of reports)
  • This also include chemical controls
  • Optimized greenhouse and controlled environment parameters for the growth of various plants to be used in disease trials
  • Developed written protocols for the propagation of plant material using conventional methods, tissue culturing and hydroponics
  • Involved extensive review of the literature to optimize growth and production
  • Project lead for several inter-disciplinary teams leading to product registration in North America and Europe
  • Designed high-throughput assays to screen large collections of microbes and microbial derived products against several economically important plant pathogens
  • Established plant pathogen collection (mainly field strains with known pathogenicity)
  • Obtained over 30 fungal, bacterial, and oomycetes from professors, government agencies and industry
  • Established collaborations with North Carolina State University, University of Florida, and Cornell University
  • Responsible for stakeholder management and actively involved in project updates

Research Plant Pathologist, Agriculture Research Services

United States Department of Agriculture
10.2012 - 10.2014
  • Development of promising new scions for Florida citrus: exploiting Huanglongbing (HLB) resistance and tolerance
  • Field evaluation of several commercial and experimental citrus varieties for disease resistance/tolerance to HLB (monthly disease evaluations and leaf sampling for pathogen enumeration)
  • Conducted real time PCR to quantify disease titer levels of infected trees
  • Conducted agrobacterium tissue culture dependent transformations to generate citrus varieties with disease resistance traits and phenotypic markers
  • Produced citrus plants for field and greenhouse trials from tissue culturing methods
  • Investigated antibacterial treatments to generate disease free grafting scion material
  • Generated chimera citrus varieties using classic grafting techniques and phytohormones
  • Investigated host-pathogen response to the presence of CLAS using image analysis
  • Provided regular progress reports to key stakeholders
  • Generated 2 manuscripts for peer-reviewed publications and presented at various conferences

Postdoctoral Research Associate, Plant Pathology

University of Florida
02.2009 - 06.2012
  • Investigation of host-pathogen interaction of Persea americana (avocado) and Raffaelea lauricola
  • Conducted greenhouse and field trials for the evaluation of disease resistance/tolerance of avocado varieties against Laurel Wilt
  • Elucidated the host resistance mechanisms in avocado when challenged with the pathogens using microscopy and plant physiology techniques (water conduction)
  • Collaborated with other team members on various projects including the development of fungicide control methods, GFP strains, alternative hosts, and visible-near infrared reflectance spectra to remotely detect disease hosts (agriculture and forest settings)
  • Generated several manuscripts for peer-reviewed publications and presented at various conferences


University of Manitoba
, Canada
09.1998 - 12.2008
  • Taught several undergraduate courses in plant pathology, biology, plant diversity, genetics, environmental sciences, and mycology


Doctor of Philosophy - Botany

University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB

Master of Science - Botany

University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB

Bachelor of Science Honors - Botany

University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB


  • Relational databases
  • Writing queries
  • PostgreSQL
  • Problem-solving aptitude
  • Team Leadership
  • Data Analysis
  • Technical Writing
  • Scientific Writing
  • Data Management
  • Multitasking Abilities
  • Report Preparation
  • Communication
  • Critical Thinking
  • Regulatory Compliance


Inch, S., J. Rice, B. Scoott, J. Lealand D. Greensheild, 2019, Methods of protecting a plant from fungal pests, WO2019236687A1 PCT/US2019/035553

Stover, E., S. Inch, M.L. Richardson, D.G. Hall, 2016, Conventional citrus of some scion/rootstock combinations show field tolerance under high Huanglongbing disease pressure, HortSciences, 51, 127-132

Hughes, M.A., S. A. Inch, R.C. Plotez, H.L. Er, A.H.C. van Bruggen, J.A. Smith, 2015, Responses of swamp bay (Persea palustris) and avocado (Persea americana) to various concentrations of the laurel wilt pathogen, Raffaelea lauricola, Forest Pathology, 45, 111-119

 Inch, S.A., E. Stover, R. Driggers, and D. Hall, 2014, Freeze response of citrus and citrus related genotypes in a Florida field planting, HortSciences, 49, 1010-1016

 Ploetz, R., Inch, S., Perez Martinez, J., and White, T., 2012, Systemic infection of avocado, Persea americana, by Raffaelea lauricola, does not progress into fruit pulp or seed, J. Phytopathology, 160, 491-495

 Sankaran, S., E. Ehsani, R., Inch, S., and Ploetz, R., 2012, Non-destructive sensing of avocado leaves infected with laurel wilt disease using visible-near infrared reflectance spectra, Plant Disease, 96, 491-495

Inch, S, Ploetz, R., Blanchette, R., and Held, B., 2011, Histological and anatomical responses in avocado (Persea americana) induced by the vascular wilt pathogen, Raffaelea lauricola, Botany, 90, 1683-1689

Inch, S. and Ploetz, R., 2011, Impact of laurel wilt, caused by Raffaelea lauricola, on xylem function in avocado, Persea Americana, Forest Pathology, 42, 239-245

 Ploetz, R.C., Pérez-Martínez, J.M., Evans, E.A. and Inch, S.A., 2011, Towards fungicidal management of laurel wilt of avocado, Plant Dis., 95, 977-982

 Inch, S., Walker, D.J., Gilbert, J, Daayf, F., Fernando, W.G.D., Piercey-Normore, M., 2011, The development of a model to predict the potential efficacy of Trichoderma harzianum isolates on perithecial production of Gibberella zeae based on secondary metabolite production, Can. J. Plant Pathol., 33, 337-346

 Ploetz, R.C.; Pérez-Martínez, J.M., Smith, J.A., Hughes, M.C., Dreaden, T.J., Yu, Y. and Inch, S., 2011, Responses of avocado to laurel wilt, caused by Raffaelea lauricola, Plant Pathol., 64, 801-808

 Inch, S. and J. Gilbert, 2011, Scanning electron microscopy observations of the interaction between Trichoderma harzianum and perithecia of Gibberella zeae, Mycologia, 103, 1-9

Inch, S. and J. Gilbert, 2007, Effect of Trichoderma harzianum on perithecial production of Gibberella zeae on wheat straw, Biocontrol Science and Technology, 17, 635-646

 Inch, S. and J. Gilbert, 2005, Seasonal and daily spore release of Gibberella zeae, Can J. Plant Pathol., 27, 357-363

Inch, S., and J. Gilbert, 2003, The occurrence of Fusarium species on wild grasses in southern Manitoba, Can.J. Plant Pathol., 25, 237-241, Inch, S., and J. Gilbert, 2003, Survival of Gibberella zeae on Fusarium-damaged kernels, Plant Dis., 87, 287-282


Available upon request

Editorial experience

  • Senior Editor, Plant Health, 2015-2020
  • Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology
  • European Journal of Plant Pathology
  • Mini-reviews in Medicinal Chemistry
  • Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry letters

Professional memberships

  • Adjunct Professor in the Department of Plant Pathology NSCU, 2015
  • Industry liaison for the North Carolina Plant Pathology Society, 2018-2020
  • American Phytopathological Society (APS), 2009-2011
  • Redbay Ambrosia Beetle-Laurel Wilt Working Group, 2009-2010
  • Canadian Phytopathological Society (CPS)
  • American Society of Plant Pathology (APS)
  • Member of the Environmental Science Ad hoc Committee; Curriculum Review of Programs and Courses, 2005

Awards and grants

  • Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), Industrial Postgraduate Scholarship (IPS), Sharon Inch, Dow AgroSciences, $19,300/year for 2 years
  • Agri-Food Research and Development Initiative (ARDI), Dr. Jeannie Gilbert, Sharon Inch, $21,800/year for 2 years
  • Agri-Food Research and Development Initiative (ARDI), J. Gilbert, Sharon Inch, $19,000/year for 2 years


Associated-Director, Controlled Environment & Agronomy

Elo Life Systems
11.2022 - Current

Manager, Controlled Environment Agriculture

Elo Life Systems
11.2019 - 11.2022

Manager and Research Scientist II

11.2014 - 10.2019

Research Plant Pathologist, Agriculture Research Services

United States Department of Agriculture
10.2012 - 10.2014

Postdoctoral Research Associate, Plant Pathology

University of Florida
02.2009 - 06.2012


University of Manitoba
09.1998 - 12.2008

Doctor of Philosophy - Botany

University of Manitoba

Master of Science - Botany

University of Manitoba

Bachelor of Science Honors - Botany

University of Manitoba
Sharon Inch