Highly skill digital anaimator and software programmer with over 9 years of training in AI, Animation, Software Development and Engineering Design. Experience working on multiple development teams with an extensive portfolio of both software development projects and animations. Seeking internship or part time position while attending college.
Deep experience developing over 12 applications with object-oriented programming techniques and rules of inheritance (super/sub classes, abstract classes, and interfaces) to Apple’s iOS API’s. Working both independently and on group projects using project management & interpersonal skills. Coding platforms include: Swift programming and Xcode IDE. Apps built for iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad.
Extensive portfolio of 3D Modeling, Animation and Animated Shorts. Experience in creating storyboarding, 3D models, camera layouts, and animations. Pre-work utilizing sketching, digital painting, modeling and rigging. Studies in Arts, Audio/Video Technology, Art History and Techniques for the animation industry. Software mastered: Adobe Photoshop, Final Cut Pro, and Autodesk Maya. . In addition, students will begin working on video game animations in Maya.
Experience building electronic circuits used to process and control digital signals, design process of combinational and sequential logic design. This includes skills and knowledge of teamwork, communication methods, engineering standards, and technical documentation.
Mastery of Java programming using multiple data types, handling input/output, implementing control structures, and applying object-oriented programming principles. Additional mastery abstraction and algorithms to create, manipulate, and interpret data to solve problems. This includes the use of 2D arrays, searching and sorting, graph theory, recursive algorithms, advanced GUI techniques, multi-threaded programs, and networked applications.