Experienced and enthusiastic journalist with more than 10 years of experience in organizing, developing and writing articles about the legal system and of general interest.
Diligent and meticulous attention to detail and accuracy, and to finding and quoting multiple sources for articles.
Interviewed lawyers and judges, organized and compiled results for book on judicial campaign finance in Texas.
2000 - present
I left professional life after 12 years to stay home and raise my three children and manage a household. During this time, I volunteered many hours at my children's elementary and middle schools, helping out at school events and in the school library.
June 2017 - May 2019
Served as Vice President of grade level events. Planned and organized many major school events and communicated with parents, volunteers and school administrators. Collected and managed a $3,000 budget for events and helped supervise and allocate PTO budget of $50,000.