Mission-driven resource mobilizer, fundraiser, social justice advocate and diversity, equity and inclusion leader, with more than 12 years of professional experience, educational background and lived expertise: facilitating diversity, equity and inclusion training programs; implementing alternative strategic plans; and creating transformative practices, policies and principles to successfully impact organizational change through diversity, equity and inclusion curriculum, racial justice initiatives, trauma-informed decision making skills, emotional and cultural intelligence within higher education institutions, government agencies, not-for-profit organizations, and for profit corporations.
Major Highlights and Accomplishments:
• Phillippe Allampa Industry Marketing Award Recipient, Greenwood Avenue
Farmers Market, New Jersey Agricultural Society, February 2020
• Composed first COVID-19 Farmer's Market Mitigation Plan for City of Trenton's Public Health Officer resulting in successful approval of opening amidst pandemic.
• Maximized bilingual multimedia marketing healthy eating access campaigns to increase community's participation in summer food programs by 75% of previous year's season.
• Strategically established and nurtured collaborative partnerships with local farmers, urban growers, state and federal agricultural departments, nutritional health and wellness vendors, stakeholders, and donors to provide monthly festivals events, 5th season anniversary and Customer Appreciation Day.
• Implemented innovative college student volunteer engagement methods, community outreach initiatives and bilingual social media marketing strategies; resulting in 20% increase in seasonal market attendance numbers and record-making 33% increase in matching dollar redemption rate.
Child Hunger Programs, Mercer Street Friends - Ewing, NJ
Major Highlights and Accomplishments:
• Established collaborative partnerships with 36 schools located in all 9 Mercer County Districts.
• Provided anti-child hunger services to 1300 students identified by schools as “food insecure.”
• Motivated teamwork ethic by utilizing the passion and skills of 1200 corporate volunteers
annually to meet and exceed the monthly quota of assembling 5,200 weekend meal bags.
• Facilitated training and program development workshops for all school and community site
Community Outreach and Education
High School Equivalency Test Testing Center Management
Legal Administrative Specialist | 7/2003 to 6/2007
Social Security Administration
Woodlawn, Maryland
Academic Advisor | 10/2001 to 6/2003
University at Albany, State University of New York
Albany, New York
Executive Certificate in Non-Profit Leadership, Spring 2022
New York Community Leadership Trust Fellowship Program
Austin W. Marxe School of Public and International Affairs
Baruche College, The City University of New York
Fundraising Accelerator, Executive Coaching Program, September 2022-November 2022
Founder & Facilitator, Rhea Wong Consulting, Inc.
The Urban League of of Rochester, Interrupt Racism Cohort, October 2021-October 2022
Equity & Advocacy Division Director & Facilitator, Dan T. Butler
The Association of Fundraising Professionals-Genesee Valley, April 2022-Present
Board Member-at-Large, 2023-
I.D.E.A. Committee Member, 2022-Present
REACH Advocacy, 2021-Present
National Coalition Builders Institute International, 2000-2021
Not in Our Town Princeton, 2016-2021