Work History
Work History
Work History
Hi, I’m

Tanisha Jenkins

Student Personnel Assistant
Tanisha Jenkins


Well-qualified Student Personnel Assistant with proven success in improving operations and solving problems. Highly proficient in building lasting relationships with key decision makers, customers and team members to further the programs goals. Ready to leverage training and experience to take on new professional challenges.


California State University
Sacramento, CA

M.S from Career Counseling

University Overview

California State University
Sacramento, CA

B.A. from Social Work

University Overview

American River College
Sacramento, CA

Certificate of Completion, General Education

University Overview


  • Microsoft Office
  • PeopleSoft
  • Empathetic and active listening
  • Google Drive
  • SARS: Scheduling And Reporting System
  • Canvas
  • Google Drive
  • Social Media
  • Case Management
  • Effective Planning
  • Enrollment Assistance
  • Recruiting Processes


Program Development
Los Rios District
Student Support
TRiO SSS Journey
Los Rios
California State University
M.S from Career Counseling
California State University
B.A. from Social Work
American River College
Certificate of Completion, General Education

Work History

Los Rios District

Program Development

Job overview

  • Gathers and maintains data and statistical information to ensure appropriate services are provided to students in compliance with district and state regulations, policies, and procedures
  • Supervise and support student staff
  • Develops, coordinates and conducts transition workshops and activities for entering students coming directly from high school
  • Prepares announcements, newsletters, and other forms of communication regarding career education events, activities, programs, and initiatives for dissemination to college personnel and students
  • Provides information and referrals to students, staff, and community on college programs and procedures
  • Work with the Umoja Sakhu team to recruit, interview, hire and train new student staff
  • Improved clients' coping with routine life activities such as food budgeting and rental payments

TRiO SSS Journey

Student Support

Job overview

  • Pointed students to relevant information about academic and personal support services available on campus.
  • Advised students individually and in groups on academic programs for individual interests.
  • Worked with individuals to help understand and overcome personal, social or behavioral problems affecting educational or vocational situations.
  • Helped students develop organizational, time management and study skills.
  • Developed and implemented student guidance plans to foster academic success
  • Educated students on college admissions process and scholarship requirements
  • Provided resources to support students in achieving career goals

Los Rios


Job overview

  • Evaluate and report on student academic progress
  • Provide support and encouragement to strengthen student’s persistence to graduation and/or transfer
  • Mentored and advocated for caseload of 20-30 students
  • Assisted in developing TRIO SSS-Journey’s core curriculum modules and Summer Bridge program
  • Planned and executed variety of activities, events and workshops with purpose of addressing students’ unique needs

Work History

Work History

American River College, Sacramento, CA


2020 – Present   Student Personnel Assistant, Umoja Sakhu Learning Community

2013–2019 Administrative Assistant/Clerk, TRiO SSS Journey Program 

2015–2016 Social Work Intern, TRiO SSS Journey Program

2011–2013 Peer Mentor, TRiO SSS Journey Program 


You know you are on the road to success if you would do your job, and not be paid for it.
Oprah Winfrey

Work History

Work History

American River College, Sacramento, CA


2020 – Present   Student Personnel Assistant, Umoja Sakhu Learning Community

2013–2019 Administrative Assistant/Clerk, TRiO SSS Journey Program 

2015–2016 Social Work Intern, TRiO SSS Journey Program

2011–2013 Peer Mentor, TRiO SSS Journey Program 

Tanisha JenkinsStudent Personnel Assistant