I am a licensed clinical social worker who has been providing counseling and therapy services to youth and their families for over 45 years. While I do see adults in psychotherapy as part of my private practice, I primarily work with older children, adolescents, and young adults, and their families. I have extensive experience with the range of problems and issues that youth encounter, including anxiety, depression, impulsivity, excessive anger, self-esteem erosion, and relational difficulties, and have a particular expertise in working with youth who present with neuro-diversity and learning struggles.
I also have considerable expertise in working with adolescents in group therapy, and currently am conducting two ongoing, mixed gender, mixed problem presentation, therapy groups for high school aged clients. I am a Fellow in the American Group Psychotherapy Association, and international co-chair of the AGPA Child and Adolescent Special Interest Group.
Additionally I am a clinical supervisor at Benchmark School in Media, PA, and am part of the faculty at the Bryn Mawr College Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research; I teach courses on clinical work with children and adolescents, group treatment, and social work in school settings. Finally, I have been on the board of the Philadelphia Area Group Psychotherapy Society since 2010.
Hurster, T. (2016) Ethically informed group practice. In Haen, C., and Aronson, S. Handbook of Child and Adolescent Group Therapy: A Practitioner’s Reference. New York, NY: Routledge.