Personable and dedicated with strong sense of duty and integrity. Knowledgeable in law enforcement principles and skilled in conflict resolution and community engagement. Committed to maintaining public safety and fostering trust within community. Excited and eager to tackle a new aspect within this evolving career field.
2016-Achieved rhe rank of eagle scout
2018- Certificate of Appreciation for dedication and professionalism during a fire and evacuation of a cell house. Quickly and safely evacuating offenders in a safe manner prevented inmates from being placed in harms way of the fire.
2022- Letter of appreciation for conducting a search and recovering dangerous contraband without direction to do so.
2022-Letter of appreciation for responding to a call for Deputy needing assistance while off duty and assisting in restraining and securing an attacking inmate.
2024-Letter of appreciation for assisting in the collection of vital evidence to a felony case.
Trainings By Kansas Department of Corrections
I would like to earn my way into a position on a unit focused primarily on drug collection and distribution to stop the the flow and contact of drugs to the public. I would also like to work on a team that focuses on cyber crime especially those against minors.