Experienced Accounts Payable Manager with 27 years of experience managing daily accounts payable operations. Expertise in overseeing invoicing, vendor relations, payment processing and employee relations. Successful in reconfiguring workflow and staff responsibilities to improve efficiency.
All aspects of performing Accounts Payable Paying of all bills for the entire Grove Public Schools district, weekly and monthly for the monthly school board meetings
Entering of and paying of over 4000 plus purchase orders for the school district in all funds, including the General fund, Building Fund, Activity Fund, and Bond Funds
Maintaining the budgets for each school site and each activity fund account Submitting monthly accounting reports and warrant/check registers for approval to the Board of Education
Submitting monthly expenditure reports to all principals and directors in the district
Creating the yearly 30 million dollar General Fund budget and the 29 million dollar Building Fund budget and presenting to the board for approval for the district Maintaining the records to always be in the positive balance
Submitting all purchase orders in the our Software System, Sylogist using the OCAS, Oklahoma Cost Accounting System for coding This is how we submit our expenditures to the SDE, State Department of Education
Submitting and correcting codes using our school diskette at year end to the state department of education
Submitting federal claims online the Grants Management System of the State Department of Education for reimbursement to the district of all federal claims
Submitting Carl Perkins grant online quarterly using their Career Tech system