Military Service: Retired Captain, U.S. Army Medical Corps with past assignments to 2291st US Army Field Hospital and 350th US Army MASH Unit served as a Chief Medical Officer and Psychiatrist,
Extensive 38 Year Career in Psychiatric Inpatient and Outpatient Care
Specialty Interests: Movement Disorders and Autistic Disorders
Specialty Expertise: Palinopsia , Visual Hallucinations, Perceptual Disturbances, Dissociative Disorders and Trauma Syndromes
Previous Affiliations:
American Osteopathic Association
Ohio Osteopathic Association
American Medical Association
American Psychiatric Association
American College of Neuropsychiatry
American Board of Neurology and Psychiatry Board Elgible
Cleveland Psychiatric Association
Florida Osteopathic Association
Previous Honors:
1997 Mental Health Professional of the Year voted by National Alliance for the Mentally Ill
1998 Special Presidential and U.S. Congressional invitation to serve on the Advisory Board for Community
Mental Health Projects
1999 Special Advisory Board member to Ohio State Corrections Mental Health treatment
1980 President of Sigma Zeta Honor Society in Science
1975 President of Ontario High School National Honor Society