Work History
Continuing Education
Tracy A. Davis

Tracy A. Davis

Carson City,NV


Dynamic individual with a B.S. degree in Earth Sciences and 17 years of experience in groundwater resource characterization and regional vulnerability assessments. Proven success in leading projects from start to finish and contributing to team success in developing study designs and communicating scientific findings to water resource managers and the public. Skilled in compiling and analyzing large datasets from local, state, and federal databases and applying geostatistical methods for analysis and visualization of environmental data.


years of professional experience

Work History


U.S. Geological Survey
11.2007 - 11.2024

California Oil, Gas, and Groundwater (COGG) Program. Hydrogeologic, geophysical, and airborne electromagnetic investigations in and near California oil and gas fields. 2014-2024.

  • Prioritized study areas for regional monitoring near petroleum production based on statistical analyses of data related to proximity of petroleum reservoirs to groundwater, density of oil wells, and water injection volumes.
  • Prepared technical information on oil well integrity, water chemistry, and waste disposal practices from various federal, state, and local databases to identify temporal and geospatial patterns in oil and gas fields of the San Joaquin and Los Angeles Basins.
  • Collected groundwater and produced water samples and prepared written and oral reports to describe research findings using illustrations, maps and appendices.

California Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment (GAMA) Program. Inventory and characterization of California groundwater resources for public supply. 2007-2014.

  • Led regional hydrologic investigations of groundwater resources used for public supply in Santa Barbara basin and hard rock aquifers.
  • Provided technical expertise in database management and quality assurance of data maintained in the USGS National Water Information System (NWIS).
  • Presented results at stakeholder meetings and conferences (Groundwater Resources Association 21st Annual Meeting and Conference, Rohnert Park, California, 2012; American Geophysical Union Fall Conference, San Francisco, 2016)

National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program. Collection and reporting of surface and groundwater data. 2007-2016.

  • Collected discrete water quality samples at streams and domestic, public-supply, and monitoring groundwater sites and ensured accuracy of data for public release.
  • Received USGS Special Thanks for Achieving Results (STAR) Award (2011) for verifying and correcting ancillary data maintained for the NAWQA Southern California Drainages study unit.


Bachelor of Science - Earth Sciences - Geochemistry

University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, CA


  • Environmental data analysis

  • Database management

  • Geospatial analysis in ArcGIS

  • R, Python programming

  • Teamwork and collaboration

  • Quality assurance

  • Field data collection

  • Technical report writing

  • Data visualization

  • Risk assessment


  • Produced water disposal at percolation and evaporation ponds in and near oil fields in the southwestern San Joaquin Valley, California, Davis, T.A., Gannon, R.S., Warden, J.G., Rodriguez^, O., Gillespie, J.M., Ball, L.B., Qi, S.L., and Metzger, L.F., 2022,
  • Prioritization of oil and gas fields for regional groundwater monitoring based on a preliminary assessment of petroleum resource development and proximity to California's groundwater resources, Davis, T.A., Landon, M.K., and Bennett, G.L., 2018,
  • Status of groundwater quality in the Santa Barbara Study Unit, 2011, Davis, T.A., and Kulongoski, J.T., 2016,
  • Groundwater Quality in the Santa Barbara Coastal Plain, California, Davis, T.A., and Belitz, Kenneth, 2016,
  • Produced water chemistry data for samples from four petroleum wells, Southern San Joaquin Valley, California, 2014, Davis, T.A., Kulongoski, J.T., and McMahon, P.B., 2016,
  • Updated study reporting levels (SRLs) for trace-element data collected for the California Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment (GAMA) Prioritization Basin Project, October 2009-March 2013, Davis, T.A., Olsen, L.D., Fram, M.S., and Belitz, Kenneth, 2014,
  • Groundwater-quality data in the Santa Cruz, San Gabriel, and Peninsular Ranges Hard Rock Aquifers study unit, 2011-2012- Results from the California GAMA Program, Davis, T.A., and Shelton, J.L., 2014,
  • Groundwater-quality data in the Santa Barbara study unit, 2011-Results from the California GAMA Program, Davis, T.A., Kulongoski, J.T., and Belitz, Kenneth, 2013

Continuing Education

  • Screenwriting: The Art of Visual Storytelling, U.C. Berkeley Extension, Fall 2024
  • Python Programming Language for Hydrologists, USGS National Training Center, January 2024
  • Introduction to Machine Learning using Python, U.C. Berkeley Extension, Spring 2023
  • Practical Statistics for Data Scientists Using R, U.C. Berkeley Extension, Spring 2021
  • Science Writing, U.C. Berkeley Extension, Fall 2020
  • Borehole Geophysical Methods, USGS National Training Center, April 2015
  • Water-Quality Principles, USGS National Training Center, June 2012
  • Statistical Methods for Environmental Data Analysis, USGS National Training Center, May 2012
  • Chemical Reactions Affecting Water Quality, USGS National Training Center, January 2011
  • Field Methods for Water-Quality Sampling, USGS National Training Center, July 2010



U.S. Geological Survey
11.2007 - 11.2024

Bachelor of Science - Earth Sciences - Geochemistry

University of California, San Diego
Tracy A. Davis