Dedicated Teacher offering over 25 years of experience in education. Resourceful and passionate educator with adaptable and approachable style. Expertise includes test preparation and ongoing evaluations. Committed to creating comfortable learning environments for students, as well as a teacher with an engaging personality and enthusiasm for hands-on learning with students.
As a professional teacher, a high-priority goal is seeking a full-time classroom position that offers and problem-solving skills.
Middle School Social Studies
I love to ignite a passion for reading within my students. "It should be the teacher's aim to give every child a love of reading, a hunger for it that will stay with him through all the years of his life." Mayne, 1915
I would love to continue my personal growth as an educator. I would love to also help teachers to help their students in the classroom by igniting that passion for the love of reading and how to help them achieve that goal.
Working as a team and collaborating ideas together.
Google Docs, Drive, Sheets, & Classroom
Microsoft Word
As the leading role of Reading Teacher in 4th Grade, it was my job to instill the love and passion for reading into my students, as well as teach them the concepts of reading and why it was important. I also provided a warm, supportive classroom environment for developing academic, social and emotional growth for them to excel in.
This group of students was a very low group in almost every subject. 2/3 of the group was either enrolled in special education or 504 plan. There hadn't been much growth from them in the past when it came to academic testing. This year when we tested, they rose 12 points in just reading. They also gained points in every subject as well. This was a proud accomplishment especially for this group of students to see success.
Another accomplishment I achieved was being in charge of piloting and implementing a new reading curriculum we adopted in the middle of the year. It was my job to make plans, collaborate with my administration, and then share them with my team by collaborating with them on how to incorporate the new reading curriculum into our classrooms daily with our lesson plans and also using the technology provided with the curriculum.