Work History
Additional Information
Waleed Ahmed

Waleed Ahmed

College Station,TX


Completed Master's and PhD in veterinary Parasitology at Cairo University, Egypt, in 2008 and 2011, respectively. Since then, I have been engaged in various research, teaching, and industry collaboration activities, honing my skills and knowledge in parasitology. Notably, I was awarded a Borlaug fellowship at Texas A&M University in 2015, where I also participated in the Agriculture Field Day at Prairie View A&M
University. Subsequently, I received a Fulbright postdoctoral scholarship at Texas A&M University in 2019. During my time at Texas A&M University, I have made significant contributions to the field, with a particular
focus on the parasitology of sheep and goats. I am aware of the importance of addressing parasite-related challenges facing goats at Prairie View A&M University, and I am eager to apply my expertise to contribute to solutions in this area. With over 60 international publications in veterinary and medical parasitology, including research on anthelmintic resistance of Haemonchus contortus, I have established collaborations
with scientists across the USA and Australia.


years of professional experience

Work History

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Beni-Suef University, Egypt
2005.01 - Current

Parasitology: - Teaching academic part of parasitology for under and postgraduate students

  • Teaching practical part of Helminthology, Arthropoda, Protozoa and Immunoparasitology
  • Doing the basic laboratory techniques (Fecal examination, FEC, Egg hatching assay, Blood examination, Skin scrap and etc……….) in practical parasitology
  • Applying advanced techniques in molecular parasitology, sequencing analysis and immunoparasitology (SDS- PAGE, WB and ELISA)
  • Doing molecular techniques including, DNA extraction, PCR, qPCR, cloning, High resolution melting analysis (HRM)
  • Teaching of medical parasitology to nursing students
  • Research interest
  • My research focuses on important parasitic diseases of livestock mainly Fasciola, GIT nematodes, Coccidiosis, Babesiosis and Ticks
  • Diagnosis of parasites using quantitative methods and PCR
  • Detection of anthelmintic resistance of gastrointestinal nematodes using in vivo and in vitro methods (EHA and LDA tests) for detection of resistant nematode strains from Trichostrongylidae family in sheep and goats
  • Effective therapy and control of serious medically and economically significant parasitic infections
  • Searching for rapid diagnostic tools for parasites of the livestock such as Babesia, Theileria and Helminths
  • I worked at the Master degree on Toxocara vitulorum and T
  • Canis in rabbits
  • At this work I successfully studied the visceral larval migration phenomena in rabbits
  • I got Borlaug fellowship to detect the anthelmintic resistance phenotypically and genotypically in different H contortus isolates
  • I gained all skills of anthelmintic resistance and or susceptibility work
  • I am interested in diagnosis and control parasites of veterinary importance mainly Fasciola, Haemonchus, Tick, Coccidiosis, Babesia and Theileria
  • Application of natural products to overcome drug resistance problem was included in my research line
  • In 2019, I got Fulbright post-doctoral fellowship (6 months) USA- Texas A&M University
  • I developed RPA primers and probes for diagnosis B.bigemina and BBovis in a single reaction
  • Also, I used the high-resolution melting analysis for detection SNPs of sodium channel of Rhipicephalus annulatus ticks
  • I used the pyroplex real time PCR for detection the tick-borne pathogens
  • In 2023, I worked as postdoctoral research associate TAMU, entomology department
  • I am sharing in a NIFA-AFRI grant project
  • I am working on activity of small molecules and peptides against Rhipicephalus microplus and R sanguineus ticks
  • I am doing bioassays and dissection of the ticks, and RNAi.

Professor of Parasitology, Faculty

Suef University
2021.01 - Current

Teaching and doing research. I have more than 60 international publications.

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Texas A&M University
2023.05 - Current

Doing research on project funded from NIFA-AFRI grant. Draft of the findings written.


Ph.D - Veterinary parasitology, Medicine

Beni-Suef University
September, 2011

B.V.Sc - Veterinary sciences, Veterinary Medicine

Cairo University
September, 2004

M.V.Sc - Veterinary parasitology, Medicine

Beni-Suef University
February, 2008


  • Collaborative learning
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Subject Expertise
  • Project-based learning


  • Title : “Some studies on Toxocara species in model experimental animal "
  • Author : Waleed Mahmoud Arafa Ahmed
  • Birth Date : 2nd February, 1982
  • Degree : Master Degree (M.V.Sc.)
  • Address : Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Beni-Suef University - Egypt
  • Major Field: Veterinary parasitology
  • Supervision Committee: Prof
  • Dr
  • Mahmoud Amin El - askalany Prof
  • Dr
  • Waheed Mohamed Ali Mousa
  • The present study was carried out to determine the efficacy of the Egg containing L2 antigen of Toxocara canis in protection the rabbits against the Visceral larva migran (VLM)
  • Furthermore, estimation the efficacy of the EG antigen in the serological diagnosis of VLM in the rabbits, characterization of the EG antigen by using SDS-PAGE was included
  • Determination the specific epitopes of the used antigen by WB; studying the cross reaction between T
  • Canis and T
  • Vitulorum and description the histopathological changes due to migration of T
  • Canis larvae were estimated
  • The SDS- PAGE showed seven bands with MWS 135, 80, 45, 35, 28, 24 and 22 KDa
  • Bands of 28 and 24 kDa appear along the course of the immunization and still post infection so it is the protective bands from which the purified vaccine may prepared
  • The histopathological changes were very characteristic since the immunized group showed retention of the larvae in the liver within the eosinophilic granuloma
  • So the main effect of the vaccine was retention of the larvae in the liver and prevention their further migration to the internal organs and stimulation the immune system mainly T helper cells
  • Some studies on Gastrointestinal parasites of small ruminant
  • Registered in: August, 2008
  • Supervision Committee: Prof Dr / Mahmoud Amin El- askalany Prof
  • Dr
  • Waheed Mohmed Ali Mousa Ass
  • Prof
  • Shawky Mohamed Abo elhadid
  • Haemonchus contortus is the most important GIT parasite of small ruminants
  • It is prevalent all over the world
  • This study discussed the prevalence, morphology and biology of H
  • Contortus
  • Moreover, evaluation WWE (whole worm extract), Larval extract and Ultraviolet attenuated larvae as a vaccine against the H
  • Contortus infection in goats was carried out
  • The WWE may be candidate as vaccine (recorded the highest worm reduction, reduction in the worm length, sterile worm in some individual of the group in a comparison with the other groups)
  • Publication List, Academic visitor, Monash University, Victoria, Australia biotechnology research laboratories unit at 9/2013-3/2014
  • Borlaug fellowship, Texas A&M University, USA (21/3/2015 : 21/6/2015)
  • Fulbright postdoctoral fellowship, Texas A&M University, USA (21-2-2019: 21 – 8- 2019)
  • Memberships Egyptian veterinary medical society of parasitology journal
  • International reviewing activities The Journal of Veterinary Medical/ Science The Japanese Society of Veterinary Science Publishing group Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science Experimental and Applied Acarology Veterinary Medicine PLOS ONE -
  • Workshops
  • A single Software that will Fulfil almost all your bioinformatics needs
  • Beni Suef University, 13 May 2017
  • New applications for PCR (Assuit University 23/10/2011-25/10/2011)
  • Bloodborne pathogens
  • (Texas A&M University 31/3/2015)
  • Effective use of biological safety cabinets
  • (Texas A&M University 26/3/2015)
  • Laboratory safety training
  • (Texas A&M University- 26/3/2015)
  • Agriculture field day program and the 125th anniverserary celebration of 1890Morrill act Parairie view (Texas A&M April 2015)
  • The scholarship program the definition of grants- submission terms
  • DAAD
  • 26/10/2014
  • (Beni- Suef University)
  • Projects
  • Investigation of acaricidal natural products as a tool for livestock development
  • Molecular detection of haemo-protozoan parasites in cattle and tick
  • Investigation of anthelmintic resistance in Haemonchus contortus
  • Investigation of acaricides resistance in Boophilus/Rhepicephalus annulatus tick
  • Rapid Detection of Bovine Babesiosis in Blood and Tick Samples with Recombinase Polymerase Amplification Combined with a Lateral Flow Strip (RPA - LF)
  • Social activities
  • Community services
  • I was the director of graduates unit at Faculty of veterinary medicine, Beni -Suef University, which helps the veterinarian to communicate with the work marke(2016-2018)
  • I shared in Public seminars to raise the awareness of the local community regarding diseases threaten animal wealth
  • I shared in voluntary veterinary convoys in my governorate
  • 2-Prof
  • Shawky Mohamed Aboelhadid Professor of parasitology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Beni-Suef University, Beni-Suef 62512, Egypt
  • Email:
  • Mobile: +2 01013694081
  • Prof
  • Tarek Mohamed
  • Vice president of Beni-Suef University, Laser Institute for Research and Applications LIRA, Beni-Suef University, Beni-Suef 62511, Egypt
  • Prof
  • Patricia Holman
  • Professor of parasitology, Faculty of veterinary medicine, college station, Texas A&M University
  • Prof
  • Thomas Craig
  • Professor of parasitology, Faculty of veterinary medicine, college station, Texas A&M University
  • 7- Patricia Pietrantonio Texas A&M
  • Professor of entomology
  • Links for research activities
  • Beni-Suef University, Department of Parasitology, Beni Suef, Egypt
  • Scoups ID
  • Author ID: 55909749000
  • Research gate google scholar
  • International meetings
  • Poster on Efficacy of a protective vaccine in young sheep
  • Australian society of parasitology
  • January 2015
  • Https:// Oral presentation
  • International Babesiosis meeting(IBM-2) at Yale University April 17-18, 2019
  • New Haven, USA
  • Https:// - 11


English: TOEFL ibt (74) Computer: - Having a qualification ICDL Certificate from UNISCO

Additional Information



  • Postdoctoral research associate TAMU
  • Parasitology department Beni-Suef University


Postdoctoral Research Associate

Texas A&M University
2023.05 - Current

Professor of Parasitology, Faculty

Suef University
2021.01 - Current

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Beni-Suef University, Egypt
2005.01 - Current

Ph.D - Veterinary parasitology, Medicine

Beni-Suef University

B.V.Sc - Veterinary sciences, Veterinary Medicine

Cairo University

M.V.Sc - Veterinary parasitology, Medicine

Beni-Suef University
English: TOEFL ibt (74) Computer: - Having a qualification ICDL Certificate from UNISCO
Waleed Ahmed