Schirvar, W. (November, 2024). Implementing Integrative Care Decision Tree to improve patient care.
Resident and Medical Student Didactic trainings.
Schirvar, W. (October, 2024). Engaging principles of CBT in primary patient care encounters. Resident and
Medical Student Didactic trainings.
Schirvar, W. (October, 2024). Yale University LGBTQAI+ Health Initiative Certification Program. Published article in CAMP
Rehoboth Letters.
Schirvar, W. (October, 2024). Teen Anxiety: Insights for Parents & Educators. Invited interview on CoastLife media.
Schirvar, W. (September, 2024). Addressing personal biases in patient care. Resident & Medical Student Didactic trainings.
Schirvar, W. (August, 2024). Increasing personal emotional awareness to improve patient care. Resident & Medical Student
Didactic trainings.
Schirvar, W. (July, 2024). Recognizing and Addressing Burnout in Resident Training Resident & Medical Student Didactics.
Schirvar, W. (July, 2024). Having Difficult conversations. Resident and Medical Student Didactic trainings.
Schirvar, W. (June, 2024). Stinking Thinking. Understanding the role of distorted thoughts in emotional wellbeing. Resident &
Medical Student Didactic trainings.
Schirvar, W. (June, 2024). Increasing personal emotional awareness to improve patient care. Resident & Medical Student
Didactic trainings.
Schirvar, W. (June, 2024). A look into ADHD Diagnoses and Treatments in Delaware. Invited interview in Delaware Today
Schirvar, W. (May, 2024). Coaching Medical Residents: Barriers and Implementation. Faculty Didactics.
Schirvar, W. (April, 2024). Addressing Mental Health across the ages. Invited interview on CoastLife media.
Schirvar, W. (March, 2024). Integrating Behavioral Health in Primary Care Settings. Invited presenter at GME Grand Rounds.
Schirvar, W. (October, 2019). “Save it for World Peace! Coping with resisting and protesting. behaviors”. Invited Speaker to
Virginia Gifted/Talented State Conference.
Schirvar, W. (July, 2019). “Social Competence in Students with Advanced Intellectual Development.” InvitedPresenter
World Gifted Biennial Conference.
Schirvar, W. (July, 2019). Parenting Mis-sed Behavior: Identifying causes and solutions of children’s. misbehavior through
parent emotions and behavior. Presentation at SENG National Conference.
Schirvar, W. (November, 2018, February 2019). “Bringing the F-U....N back into Parenting”: Focusing on parenting strategies to
improve bonding and compliance while decreasing conflicts.” Presentation to MN Council of Gifted & Talented.
Schirvar, W. (September, 2018). “Parenting Skills Tips and Techniques.” Accepted Presentation
to MN Council of Gifted & Talented.
Schirvar, W. (November, 2017). “Missed Behavior: Identifying causes and practical strategies to behavioral difficulties.”
Presentation to MN Council of Gifted & Talented.
Schirvar, W. (November, 2017). “Save it for World Peace! Coping with resisting and protesting behaviors”. Presentation to MN
Council of Gifted & Talented.
Schirvar, W. (2017). Teens, Family and Media. Minnehaha Academy, St. Paul. Panelist: Screenagers: Growing up in the Digital
Lightman, N., Tumilty, M., Hill, E., Schirvar, W. and Bloomquist, M. (April 2016). Integrating Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and
Social Learning Family Therapy in the Treatment of Adolescent Depression. Minnesota Association of Children’s Mental
Health Conference
Schirvar, W. (November, 2014). “Missed Behavior: Identifying causes and practical strategies to behavioral difficulties.
Presentation to MN Council of Gifted & Talented.
Schirvar, W. (November, 2014). Identifying Gifted Preschoolers. Presentation to MN Council of. Gifted & Talented.
Schirvar, W. (July, 2014). Pragmatic Language Skills and Social Competence. Presentation at. National SENG conference.
Schirvar, W. (January, 2014). Perfectionism & Students with Advanced Intellectual Development. Presentation to staff and
families at Hastings High School.
Schirvar, W. (April, 2013). Investigating Social Competence in Students with Advanced Intellectual Development. Ph.D Thesis
University of Minnesota. Presentation to Doctoral. Committee for final defense.
Schirvar, W. (February, 2013). Addressing mental health needs in college aged students with high intelligence. Presentation
to Minnesota Chapter of Gifted & Talented.
Schirvar, W. (May, 2012). Addressing identification and needs of advanced intellectual development in the medical setting.
Presentation to faculty and staff at Lakeview Hospital & Stillwater Medical Group.
Schirvar, W. (February, 2012). “Socio-Emotional Needs of Gifted”. Presentation to community and members of St. Croix Valley
Gifted Association.
Schirvar, W. (October, 2011). “Gifted 101”. Presentation to members of community and St. Croix Valley Gifted Assoc.
McCarthy, A., Pike, A., Van Norman, E., Schirvar, W., Christ, T. (2011). Lessons Learned: Research to Practice. Findings of
Computer Based Assessment System for Reading. Office of Special Education Programs: Project Directors Conference,
Washington D.C.
Pratt, K.E., Schirvar, W., Christ, T., Clarkson, L., Park, M. (2011). Measuring Progress in Common Core Mathematics Standards:
Item Development for a Computer Adaptive Test. Office of Special Education Programs: Project Directors Conference,
Washington D.C.
Pratt, K. Schirvar, W., Park, M., Christ, T. (2011). Computer-based Mathematics Assessment to Enhance Effective Learning
Environments. Colloquium on P-12 STEM Education Research: A National Forum for Professionals researching and
teaching P-12 STEM. Education. St. Paul, MN
Schirvar, W. (November, 2010). “EduSpeak”: Encouraging collaborative conferencing between parents and educators.
(Alternative Title: Mastering the “foreign” language of the educational system to effectively meet student needs).
Symposium accepted at Annual Convention for National Association for Gifted and Talented, Atlanta, GA.
Schirvar, W. (August, 2010). Socio-Emotional Competencies of High-Ability Students. Poster Accepted at Annual Meeting for
American Psychological Association, San Diego.
Schirvar, W. M. (2004). Looking at Academic Outcomes of Gifted Children Through the Lens of Two Service Models. Masters.
Susman-Stillman, A. & Schirvar, W. (2000). National Head Start Conference University-community model for connecting
research, practice and policy.
Schirvar, W. (April, 1995). Evaluation and Measurement of Mentor Programs. Presentation at Statewide Conference for
Minnesota Mentor Leaders.
Schirvar, W. & Bloomberg, L. (1994) Evaluation of Community Initiatives. Presentation At “Building Effective Child and Family
Programs: Research and Evaluation Perspectives”, University of Minnesota-Children, Youth & Family Consortium.
Schirvar, W. & Bloomberg, L.(1993, 1992). Success By 6 Interim Reports. Minneapolis, Institute on Community Integration.
Susman, A., Schirvar, W., Teo, A. (1993). Effects of Maternal Intimate Relationship History on. Child Functioning. Poster
presented at Biennial Meeting for Society for Research in. Child Development, New Orleans, LA.