I aspire to conduct research across disciplines such as psychology, philosophy, and literature to gain a better understanding of rational decision-making in theory and in real life. I hope my research can contribute to people's understanding of themselves and can provide useful, ethical, and culturally sensitive real life applications.
Conducted meta-analysis on the diagnostic criteria for Borderline Personality Disorder .
Explored concepts of metacognition, mimetic desires, and theory of mind in the Chinese literature The Stone Book
Conducted research on bicultural cognition, IAT, and social norm violations (with EEG)
Liu, X., Leong, L., McKenzie, C., & Sher, S. (2021).
Liu, X.S. (Sept, 2018). The Psychology of Strikes.
Conducted qualitative analyses on French strikers' conscious awareness of their motivation to go on strike, including conformity and historical identification.
Conducted research on well-being and cultural differences in relationship termination and wrote about potential real life applications of these research.
Coding and data-analysis in R
Liu, X.S., 2021. What Motivates Us to Go on Strike? Social and Moral Norms and their Impact on Strike Participation in Individualist and Collectivist Situations in Western Cultures. Journal of European Psychology Students, 12(1), pp.1–15. DOI: http://doi.org/10.5334/jeps.507
Liu, X.S., & Mõttus, R. Control and Well-being Across Cultures: The Moderation of Individualism on the Relationship between Primary & Secondary Control and Affective & Cognitive SWB. In Preparation. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/c7wsd
· Testing the effectiveness of self-nudges (for the IPE PhD Grant, with Lim Leong)
· Exploring cultural differences in nudges
· Exploring the understanding/acceptance principle in framing (with Lim Leong and Craig McKenzie)
· Life outcomes prediction with personality traits (with Alice Diaz)